Missouri Right to Life PAC urges Missourians to vote no on Amendment 3 November 5

JEFFERSON CITY – On Tuesday, the Missouri Secretary of State’s Office officially announced that the radical pro-abortion amendment, Amendment 3, has received a sufficient number of valid signatures to be placed on the ballot at the November 5, 2024, General Election. Amendment 3, if passed by voters, would allow abortion all nine months of pregnancy, even after the unborn child can feel excruciating pain.

Below is the fair ballot language written by Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft regarding Amendment 3:

 – A “yes” vote will enshrine the right to abortion at any time of a pregnancy in the Missouri Constitution. Additionally, it will prohibit any regulation of abortion, including regulations designed to protect women undergoing abortions and prohibit any civil or criminal recourse against anyone who performs an abortion and hurts or kills the pregnant women.

 – A “no” vote will continue the statutory prohibition of abortion in Missouri.


Missouri Right to Life PAC has launched a “Vote NO” campaign to protect women, girls and babies from this extreme abortion amendment.

Regardless of what pro-abortion supporters are saying, Missouri’s current pro-life laws have a life of the mother exception and allow women to get the care they need in ectopic or miscarriage pregnancies.

Missourians can visit the following webpage to obtain the truth about this radical amendment, to volunteer, and to donate to the battle to Keep Missouri Pro-Life: https://missourilifepac.org/battle-to-keep-missouri-pro-life/