Keith’s Auto Body, HSB Advisors, and GFWC Woman’s Club of Ste. Genevieve send SGMS band students to jazz camp

STE. GENEVIEVE – This past June, Ste. Genevieve Middle School band students Sophia Jordan, Henry Hadel, and Wyatt Schmelzle attended the first annual Dave Dickey Big Band Camp at Mineral Area College. This camp was organized by the Mineral Area Fine Arts Academy in an effort to promote jazz education in southeast Missouri.



Scholarship recipients (left to right) Henry Hadel, Wyatt Schmelzle, Sophia Jordan.



Matt Schweigert, HSB Advisors (left) and Sophia Jordan, Scholarship recipient (right).



Henry Hadel, Scholarship recipient (left), and Ryan and Anne Keith of Keith’s Auto Body.








GFWC Woman’s Club Treasurer Geneva Melcher (from left), SGMS Band Director Lindsey Elders, President-elect Dorcas Grass, Scholarship recipient Wyatt Schmelzle, President Rosemary Douglas, Recording Secretary Eileen Roth, Corresponding Secretary Robyn Pipkin, and Vice President Linda Kreitner.


The SGMS Band Program would like to thank Keith’s Auto Body, HSB Advisors and the General Federal of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) Woman’s Club of Ste. Genevieve for offering scholarships so students could attend camp tuition-free. We are grateful for the overwhelming and unwavering community support of our SGMS music students.



Dave Dickey Big Band


The SGMS Band program is extremely proud of these three musicians for their hard work as instrumentalists. Sophia Jordan, Henry Hadel, and Wyatt Schmelzle are members of the Ste. Genevieve Jazz Band, which meets weekly after school and includes both middle school and high school band students. High school students earn A+ tutoring hours for participating in the ensemble. The Ste. Genevieve Jazz band is directed by Lindsey Elders and Joe Hull.