Ste. Genevieve County Health Department board meeting minutes

STE. GENEVIEVE – The minutes of the June 25 meeting of the Ste. Genevieve County Health Department of Board of Trustees have been released.


Ste Genevieve County Health Department

Public Meeting of Board of Trustees

Minutes of June 25, 2024


1.​ Call to order for regular session:​A regular session of the Sainte Genevieve County Health Department was called to order by Robert Bach on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 4:01 PM at the Sainte Genevieve County Health Department located at 115 Basler Drive, Sainte Genevieve, MO 63670.


2.​ Roll call:​ Board members answering the roll call were Robert Bach, Dr. Matthew Bosner, and Carl Kinsky, constituting a quorum. Jessica Palmer, with Health Department, was also present, Jennifer Mueller, being not available.


3.​ Approval of agenda:​Dr. Bosner moved to approve the agenda, with the motion seconded by Mr. Kinsky. The motion passed unanimously by vote of all members present.


4.​ Consent agenda:​Dr. Bosner moved to approve the consent agenda, consisting of the minutes of the previous meeting, financial statements, and transactions by account. The motion was seconded by Mr. Kinsky and passed unanimously by vote of all members present.


5.​ Report from Ms. Palmer:​The Director’s report was presented by Ms. Palmer and included the following:


​            Covid cases:​Ms. Palmer reported that there were 11 covid cases confirmed this month as of this   date.

            Whooping cough cases:​Ms. Palmer confirmed that there were 2 possible whooping cough cases.


            No flu cases were reported.

            Possible new phone system:​ Ms. Palmer reported on the need for a new phone system because     the panel in the basement is drawing moisture. Mike with Creative Data will be getting pricing.


            Also, Big River indicated our current phone bill will increase by about $55 per month. We may    need to consider cloud-based services. This matter will be placed on the agenda for the July      meeting.

            Moving and demolition:​Ms. Palmer reported that moving offices to the basement for        renovations to begin on the first floor proceed without a hitch. Brockmiller Construction started           demolitions on a June 1st.

            Education and Community Outreach:​Ms. Palmer reported on education and community    outreach. The Resources for Recovery meeting is scheduled for July 31st at the Community             Center.

6.​ Old Business:

​​            Review of current CD rates for possible “bump up”:​The Board members ​present discussed a review of CD rates for a possible “bump up.” No action was taken. ​This matter will be placed on next month’s agenda.


7.​ New business:


​​            Remodel update:​Brian from Cochran Engineering answered Board member ​questions regarding   the ongoing renovation.


8.​ Public Forum:​No member of the public being present, there was no public forum.


9.​ Next scheduled meeting: The next scheduled regular board meeting is Tuesday, July 23, 2024, at 4:00 PM. 


10.​ Adjournment:​Dr. Bosner made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Kinsky, which passed by unanimous vote of all members present. Mr. Bach adjourned the meeting at 4:33 PM.



Respectfully submitted,


Carl Kinsky, Secretary