Community Services Forum celebrates 30th Aniversary

By Kathy Kreitler, Forum Member

STE. GENEVIEVE – The Ste Genevieve County Community Services Forum is celebrating 30 years of the partnership between local organizations and individuals that share information and work together on a variety of projects to improve the overall vitality and health of Ste Genevieve County.


The Ste Genevieve County Community Services Forum was formed to meet the health needs of it’s citizens during the great flood of 1993. During that time there was a need for everything from drinking water to food, housing to cleaning equipment and everyday items like for hygiene and clothing. Many agencies came together to meet the citizens needs from immunizations to counseling services with FEMA and the Red Cross assisting.


Health leaders along with other leaders in the community knew the flood would leave behind many issues in it’s wake that would need to be addressed. Coming together, the group filed articles of incorporation making The Ste Genevieve County Community Services Forum, a Missouri State Registered Health Coalition with the Department of Mental Health on September 27, 1993. In 1996, with The Forum being already established and as a 501c3, it was the perfect conduit to obtain the feasibility study and other necessary professional evaluations to ascertain our communities ability to take proprietorship to maintain a fully functioning community center.


This is the Ste. Genevieve County Community Center as we know it today. The forum continues in its role today by appointing members to the board of the Community Center Foundation. The Ste Genevieve County Community Services Forum consists of agencies who serve the citizens of Ste Genevieve.


This list includes local public services like Ste Genevieve County Memorial Hospital, County Health, County and City Government, Law Enforcement, Emergency Services, Schools, etc. It also includes state and federal agencies. Examples of this would be agencies that assist veterans, elderly, disabled and children, etc. Others help with employment, housing and financial assistance.


Private agencies that provide nursing, mental health, rehab, those helping meet citizens daily needs and other social type groups are also in The Forum.


There are also committees that branch off of The Forum such as Resources to Recovery, Ste Gen Cares, The Young Mothers Support Group and the Domestic Violence Division.


Since first being founded The Ste Genevieve County Community Services Forum has had monthly meetings where topics pertaining to the health and vitality of its citizens are of the upmost importance.


The Forum partners with other agencies to host events like the ‘Adopt-AFamily’ Program, Prescription Drug-Take Back, Job Fairs and invite guest speakers to meetings and special events.


The Forum also keeps the Ste Genevieve County Resource Guide up to date for local citizens. The Ste Genevieve County Community Services Forum offers an opportunity for members to showcase their programs and events thus increasing their visibility to the citizens they want to reach.


These events serve as a way to raise awareness and support for important causes, and provide chances for members to connect with their communities.


Meetings are open to the public and are the second Wednesday of every month at 12 noon, at the Sports Complex on the Community Center Campus in Ste Genevieve. To have your agency join The Ste Genevieve County Community Service Forum or if you have questions, contact: Estrella at