Chester School Board meets tonight

CHESTER, Ill. – A regular meeting of the Chester School District Board of Education will be held this evening at 7:30 p.m. in the High School Cafeteria located at 1901 Swanwick Street, Chester, Ill.



  1. Call to Order and Roll Call – 5:00 p.m.
  2. Executive Session

                        2.1 For the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or                          dismissal of     specific employees of the public Body.

  • Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual       review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06.
  • Self-Evaluation, Practices, and Procedures or Professional Ethics, when meeting with a Representative of a Statewide Association of which the Public Body is a member
  1. Regular Session – 7:30 p.m.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Opportunity for Public Comment (please be mindful that these meetings of the BOE are required by the Open Meeting Law to be held in a public setting. Each participant will be limited to 5 minutes, which the board will listen to but will not respond during this time.)
  4. Board Correspondence
  5. Approve Consent Agenda Items as Listed

7.1 Approval of Agenda

7.2 Approve June 20, 2024 Regular and Executive    Minutes, and June 27, 2024 Special Meeting Minutes

7.3 Bills & Payroll

7.4 Financial Reports

  1. Departmental & Administrative Reports
  2. Old Business

9.1 Conduct second reading and approve the Board Press Policy 115 updates

9.2 Conduct second reading and approve the High School 2024-2025 Handbook 9.3 Conduct second reading and approve the Grade School 2024-2025 Handbook

  1. New Business

10.1 Accept the annual review of closed meeting minutes

10.2 Approve registration dates, fees, and meal prices for the 2024-2025 SY

10.3 Accept paper bid from Midland Paper in the amount of $30.49 per case for the 2024-25 SY

10.4 Designate Kimberly Briggs, Superintendent, to develop a tentative budget and adopt FY 2025 Budget Resolution

10.5 Approve Certificate of Payment for Zeller Construction of Marion, Inc’s Pay Application #3 in the amount of $21,053.25

10.6 Approve Certificate of Payment for Samron Midwest Contracting, Inc’s Pay Application #3 in the amount of $7,972.35

10.7 Approve Certificate of Payment for Heartland Mechanical Contractor’s Final Pay Application #8 in the amount of $73,752.90

10.8 Approve Certificate of Payment for Samron Midwest Contracting, Inc’s Pay Application #1 in the amount of $109,761.26

10.9 Motion to approve electricity contract with IEC and Chester CUSD 139 contract.

10.10 Motion to approve the MOU with CEA regarding Teacher Bilingual Teacher (TBE) endorsement

10.11 Motion to approve the MOU with CEA regarding Interact Club Sponsor endorsement

10.12 Motion to approve the MOU with CEA regarding Environmental/Recycling/Earth Day endorsement

  1. Personnel

11.1 Employment, Coaches, and Volunteers

11.2 Resignations
