Beat the heat and keep baby cool: 10 essential summer tips from LFCS

ST. LOUIS – Sizzling summer temperatures can quickly turn playtime into a struggle for parents of little ones. Lutheran Family and Children’s Services (LFCS) is here to help with a Summer Survival Checklist that offers 10 practical tips to keep your baby calm, cool and content all season long.


√  Dress for Success. Choose loose-fitting, breathable clothing made of natural fibers like cotton. Skip the hats indoors, but use wide-brimmed ones for sun protection outdoors. 


√  Make Bath Time a Blast. A cooling or gentle sponge bath can be a great way to cool down your baby.


√  Be Car Smart. Never leave your baby unattended in the car. Car temperatures can rise rapidly, even in the shade.


√ Make Cool and Healthy Snacks. Freeze juice fruit in Popsicle molds for a refreshing treat. 


√. Pack Cooling Cloths. In your cooler, pack a Ziploc bag with frozen wet washcloths. When the cloth thaws slightly, use it as a cool cloth or teether for your baby.   


√ Plan Outdoor Time Wisely. Schedule outside play for mornings or evenings, avoiding the hottest part of the day.


√  Stay hydrated. Offer breastmilk or formula to infants and water to babies over six months. Offer water regularly, especially during outdoor time.


√  Seek Shade. Avoid direct sunlight whenever possible. Use stroller canopies or bring an umbrella to create shade.


√  Cool Down the Car. Before placing your baby in the Car, park in the shade or run the air conditioning to cool it down.


√  Monitor Your Baby Closely. Check your baby’s temperature, health, and comfort level frequently. Be aware that babies overheat easily and cannot regulate their body temperature as well as adults.


For more information about LFCS’s parenting services, please call 866-326-LFCS (5327).


About LFCS

Lutheran Family and Children Services (LFCS) is a statewide agency headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, with regional offices in Franklin County, Columbia, Cape Girardeau, Springfield, Joplin, Kansas City, and numerous satellite counseling sites. LFCS serves Missouri families from all walks of life in their greatest times of need. The nonprofit social services organization provides four key support areas to help children and families — Adoption, Behavioral Health, Parenting Education, and Pregnancy Support. The programs in these areas empower individuals and families to develop healthy, supportive foundations for a lifetime. Services are open to anyone regardless of race, faith, national origin, gender, or age.