Nominations for ‘Missouri’s Most Engaged Neighbors’ now being accepted year-round online

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – The statewide recognition of Missouri’s Most Engaged Neighbor as part of Missouri Good Neighbor Week (Sept. 28 to Oct. 4) is being expanded this year with nominations accepted all year online at



“We heard from participants and nominators this year that the week came and went, and they did not get nominations submitted. So, instead of creating a barrier to nominations, we want to open the process to collect names all year. Then we will recognize the winning nominations during Missouri Good Neighbor Week,” said David Burton, a University of Missouri Extension community development specialist.


During Missouri Good Neighbor Week in 2023, 62 people were nominated for recognition. Each of them received an acknowledgment letter and gift by mail. Twelve were selected for the statewide honor and received an award certificate and prize check. A few honorees were highlighted in local media coverage, and one was included in the Show Me Mo Success podcast. (Episode 25 at


At least two Missouri cities gathered local nominations for most engaged neighbor recognition during Missouri Good Neighbor Week in 2023. That is a trend Jennifer Prophete, coordinator of The Hopeful Neighborhood Project, hopes to see continue in 2024. 


“It would be great to see other cities do something similar yearly. Perhaps do a local recognition and then submit their top nominations,” said Prophete. “We just know anytime we celebrate the work of engaged neighbors in Missouri it is good for every community.”


These statewide awards are provided by University of Missouri Extension and The Hopeful Neighborhood Project, which sponsors Missouri Good Neighbor Week.


A goal of 25,000 acts of neighboring has been set for 2024, and details are being worked out on how to use the week to raise money for an organization that impacts families and neighborhoods statewide.

“Every year, we want to expand community and organizational involvement in Missouri Good Neighbor Week and continue to find ways for the week to impact this state,” said Burton. “This week is a positive way to encourage neighborly behavior that helps every community.”




Missouri’s Governor signed legislation HB1738 on July 1, 2022, establishing Missouri Good Neighbor Week. The week begins on Sept. 28, also National Good Neighbor Day (first created in 1978 by President Jimmy Carter). Missouri Good Neighbor Week was selected as the best neighboring program in the United States for 2023 by Neighborhoods USA.


For more information, contact David Burton, community development specialist with University of Missouri Extension, by phone at (417) 881-8909 or by email at or online at