American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 133, of Perryville, Mo. presents Certificates of Appreciation to local businesses and residents that display the American flag

PERRYVILLE, MO – The American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 133 members, Donna Ballman, Pam Rankin, Nancy Wilfong, Barbara Rubach, Judith Lilly and Carol Taylor were busy throughout the final sections of Perryville on Friday, June 14, 2024 (Flay Day) with their ‘I Spy Americanism’ program to promote patriotism and responsible citizenship.

Businesses and residents that fly the flag were presented with a Certificate in Appreciation for their display of Americanism. A door hanger was left if no one was at home during their visit.  ALA members have visited approximately 71 businesses and 300 homes in Perryville to date.

Americanism is a fundamental value of the American Legion Auxiliary. Our Preamble states, “To foster and perpetuate a one hundred percent Americanism…” The term ‘Americanism’ covers all the things that have made our nation great and the American people free.


The Auxiliary invites residents and businesses to fly the American flag every day.



Kim Young at Mattingly Boxdorfer Dentistry with Certificate of Appreciation.


Donna Ballman, ALA Member presents Brandie Mantz, Perryville resident with Certificate of Appreciation.



 Donna Strattman, Perryville resident with Certificate of Appreciation.


Pam Rankin, ALA member presents Ed Kiefer, Perryville resident with Certificate of Appreciation.



Donna Ballman, ALA Member presents Jeff Sutterer, Perryville resident with Certificate of Appreciation.



Ron Heuring, Perryville resident holding Certificate of Appreciation.



Barbara Rubach, ALA member presents Holly Behrle at Brewer Monument with Certificate of Appreciation.