PCSD No. 32 school board meets Wednesday

PERRYVILLE – The Perry County School District No. 32 will meet in regular open session Wednesday, July 10, 2024 at 7 p.m. in Room 105 in the Old Senior High School.


The tentative agenda for the meeting:



Board of Education Regular Session Open Session Agenda Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Old Senior High School, Room 105 7:00 p.m


  1. Open Session called to order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Approval of the agenda

  1. Patron Comments
  2. Approval of the consent agenda items
  3. June05,2024Workshop session minutes
  4. June12,2024 Regular session open minutes
  5. Adopt two MSBA policies as recommended.Theyare:
  6. KK (Visitor to district property and events)
  7. JHCD (Administration of medications to students)
  8. June 2024 Warrants
  9. Recognitions
  10. Student recognition
  11. Staff recognition

VII. New Business

  1. Action Items:
  2. Roll call vote to schedule a closed session to discuss student & personnel matters as                         permitted by RSMo. 610.021 sections (3), (6), (13) and (14) at the conclusion of the                                  open session.
  3. Approve the FY’ 2024-2025 budget amendment
  4. 2024-2025 Student breakfast / lunch prices approval
  5. Approve the FY’ 2024-25 Food service bid.
  6. Approve the FY’ 2024-25 Milk bid.
  7. Approve the FY’ 2024-25 Bread bid.
  8. Approve Set date for Tax Rate Hearing
  9. CSIP Adoption
  10. Curriculum adoption
  11. DiscussionItems:
  12. Recommended MSBA Policy Updates:
  13. a) IND (Ceremonies and Observances)
  14. b) KH (Public gifts to the schools)
  15. c) BDC (Closed Meetings, Records and Votes)
  16. d) EF (Food Service Management)
  17. College and career planning platform
  18. Apptegy Rooms
  19. Informational items:
  20. Get the lead out of the water update
  21. Superintendent report
  22. a) Financial
  23. Program Evaluation
  24. a) SPED program
  25. MSBA July 2024 Video

VIII. Adjourn the Open Session