Missouri Corn and FFA members create agriculture ‘hype’

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. –Thirty high school seniors from across Missouri completed the tenth annual Helping Youth Prepare for Excellence (HYPE) FFA Academy June 25-27 in Jefferson City, Mo. Sponsored by the Missouri Corn Merchandising Council, the three-day academy is designed to inform and empower agriculture students to effectively engage in issues impacting today’s industry.



Thirty high school seniors from across Missouri completed the tenth annual Helping Youth Prepare for Excellence (HYPE) FFA Academy June 25-27 in Jefferson City, Mo. Sponsored by the Missouri Corn Merchandising Council, the three-day academy is designed to inform and empower agriculture students to effectively engage in issues impacting today’s industry.


“When we look to the future, preparing the next generation of young leaders is vital to our success,” notes MCMC Chairman Matt Lambert. “These talented students and their ability to share firsthand agriculture experiences can help shape the discussions on issues important to our way of life. We are confident HYPE FFA Academy graduates will be a strong voice for our industry as they continue to hone their skills and work toward their careers.”


Students learned how to effectively talk about their experiences in farming, overcome obstacles, and develop their communication and personal skills. Learning sessions included advocacy training, communication basics, and social media outreach. Students hear from farmers, industry representatives, and social media influencers on how to effectively advocate on issues. The group also toured the Missouri Soybean Center for Innovation to learn more about the advancements and research being done on behalf of farmers.


Wrapping up the academy, participants put their skills into action during mock legislative hearings at the Missouri State Capitol. Students presented key issues to Missouri Sen. Mike Bernskoetter and Reps. Willard Haley, Kent Haden, Jim Schulte, Emily Weber, Peggy McGaugh, and Bridget Walsh Moore. Students also had the chance to meet with Missouri Director of Agriculture Chris Chinn.


“This academy provides our members with the skills and confidence to grow their advocacy on behalf of agriculture,” notes Missouri FFA State Advisor Keith Dietzschold. “As seniors, these students have the opportunity to not only share what they’ve gained with their home chapter, but also reach a much broader audience as they head to college and future careers. We are grateful for Missouri Corn’s investment in these young leaders and look forward to sending these new advocates out to share agriculture’s voice.”


The Missouri Corn Merchandising Council is an organization of corn growers dedicated to developing and expanding corn markets, educating growers and customers, and exploring new research opportunities. Learn more at www.mocorn.org. The National FFA Organization makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education. Learn more about the HYPE Academy by contacting Missouri Corn Associate Director of Communications Hilary Black at (573) 893-4181 or hblack@mocorn.org