St. Mary Board of Aldermen will discuss the park in a work session tonight

ST. MARY – The St. Mary Board of Aldermen will discuss the future of the 10-acre city park when it meets tonight at 6 for a work session.


The issue of the park came up at the previous meeting.


According to the minutes:


“Discussion on the park. Alderman Brenda Thompson stated that the Park Committee had a meeting with the Mayor Adam Bequette to relocate the park. The committee came to the conclusion that there was not a need for the park. With all the expenses that it would take to fix the park from the vandalism that has been done to the park it would be logical to shut it down and not have one. Frank Gerardot stated that the citizens of St. Mary should have the option to have the park stay. City Clerk April Grindstaff stated that we could possibly take a poll to see what the citizens say.”


Mayor Adam Bequette supplied these photos of the vandalism done at the park.



Park gate
















Posted June 26, 2024


Notice is hereby given that the St. Mary Board of Aldermen will have a Work Session Meeting on June 27th, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at St. Mary City Hall located at 782 Third Street.


This is an open meeting and the public invited to attend




The agenda of this work session meeting includes:




  1. Call to Order by Mayor – Adam Bequette


  1. Park


  1. Citizen Participation


  1. Work Session Meeting Adjournment.


April Grindstaff, City Clerk

782 Third Street / P.O. Box 107

St. Mary MO 63673

(573) 543-2279


This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.