Ste. Genevieve VFWA brings home awards from state convention

From the Ste Genevieve VFWA

STE. GENEVIEVE — VFW and VFWA State Convention was held in Springfield and Ste Genevieve VFWA brought home some awards.


Noah Bauman, Valle HS was the first place $1800 winner in the MO Past National Presidents Scholarship. Noah entered the contest under the eligibility of his father, Patrick Bauman (one of our newer auxiliary members). Noah is the grandson of VFWA members Penny Bauman and Ken Hoog. Congratulations Noah on this accomplishment. This is the FIRST place winner in the entire State!!

Lois Flieg won Outstanding Scholarship Chairman and acknowledgement for the Voter Registration program she did at local schools. No surprise – she does a wonderful job promoting Scholarship and Youth Activities for our VFWA!!


Illustrating America Contest – State Awards – first place to Emmett Abts in Grades 3-5; first place to Kinsley Bowers in Grades 6-8.


Red, White, and Blue Singing Contest – Rain Hampton – 3rd Place in the State.


Young American Creative Patriotic Art in the 3-D category – 2nd place State winner – Mallory Rottler.


Betty Stretch – Certificate of Recognition as an Auxiliary President.


Betty Arnold – Certificate of Recognition for Membership Recruitment.