Ste. Genevieve Heritage Commission minutes released

STE. GENEVIEVE – The minutes of the June 17 meeting of the Ste. Genevieve Heritage Commission have been released.


Regular Meeting Minutes

Call to Order at 6:00 pm

Roll Call: Commissioners Casey Benner, Whitney Tucker, Tom Hooper, and Bill Hart were present at roll call. Additionally, Asst. City Administrator David Bova was present. Commissioner Mark Buchheit was absent.


Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Hart made a Motion to approve the Agenda as presented. Commissioner Tucker seconded the motion, which passed 4-0-1.


Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Hooper made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 20, 2024 meeting as presented. Commissioner Tucker seconded the motion, which passed 4-0-1.


Introduction of Evidence: Mr. Bova asked that the Commission approve the entry into the record of the Ste. Genevieve Municipal Code and the Design Guidelines for the Sainte Genevieve National Register Historic District along with the staff reports and related material presented to them. Commissioner Hart made a Motion to accept the evidence into the record. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Tucker and passed 4-0-1.


Old Business: None


New Business:

• SGHC026-24 To receive a Certificate of Appropriateness to paint a mural on the south side of the building at 122 N Main Street. Applicant and property owner Sam Conlon was not in attendance; Mr. Aaron Smith was there to represent the applicant. He discussed the mural artist, location of the mural and murals as “wayfinding” in the city; he also answered some questions regarding maintenance of the mural. Commissioner Hart made a Motion to Approve the request as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Tucker and passed 4-0-1.


• SGHC027-24. To receive a Certificate of Appropriateness to renovate the structure at 669 N 4th Street. Applicants Kegan & Annie Schmelzle were present and answered some questions for the commission. The renovation improvements were considered in five different parts. First, the demolition of the existing small rear addition and construction of a new 30’ x 30’ single story rear addition with a 10’ x 30’ deck attached was discussed. The applicants shared that they plan to match all of the exterior materials to what they are proposing on the main block of the house. There were no questions from the commission. Secondly, the applicants asked to re-side the existing block with new Hardie board siding and continue the siding onto the new addition. Commissioner Hart discussed that he would prefer smooth siding versus textured siding but that the textured siding has been allowed on previous COAs so being consistent is also important. The other commissioners agreed that the textured siding would be consistent with previous requests and COAs. Thirdly, a new 6-pane window wooden front door was discussed. The applicants shared an image of the door with the commission, and they had no issues with it. Next, new porch railing was discussed. The applicants wish to use the existing porch posts but install a new guardrail of treated lumber and black metal balusters. Commissioner Hart asked if the treated lumber would be painted or stained, and the applicants stated it would be clear coated. There were no other questions regarding the porch. Lastly, new K-style guttering and downspouts were considered for the entire structure. While the commission would prefer half round gutters, nearly all of the homes on that block have more modern guttering, so they agreed to allow it. Commissioner Tucker made a Motion to Approve the request as presented; Commissioner Hooper seconded the motion, which passed 4-0-1.


Administrative Approvals: None


Other Business:


• Mr. Bova discussed the possible need to move the July meeting, but it was agreed to keep it on the regularly scheduled date of July 15th.


Public Comments: None


Meeting Adjourned: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:17 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


David Bova

Assistant City Administrator