‘Making of an American Scene Painter’ to open in Ste. Genevieve

STE. GENEVIEVE – Visitors to the Ste. Genevieve Art Guild’s special exhibit featuring Colony artist and instructor, Joseph P. Vorst, “Making of an American Scene Painter”, will experience 20 important original artworks that have never been displayed in Ste. Genevieve.



The subject matter of 1930s Depression Era scenes – hard working folk trying to get by in the face of economic chaos and natural disasters – will not surprise those familiar with this genre of painting.  But what may come as a surprise is the display of dozens of photographs that Joe Vorst took in and around Ste. Genevieve as reference material for his art. He recorded scenes of people at work in the fields, in the mines and on the roads.  These photos, along with the impressive artwork, bring alive the realities of the hard life people experienced during the Depression.


As you search for recognizable people or places, you’ll also learn what makes Joe Vorst’s art so memorable, his many connections with our town, and how his experience in the Sainte Genevieve Art Colony influenced him professionally and personally. 


Please help us celebrate the 90th Anniversary of the Colony’s Summer School of Art with an exhibit dedicated to one of its foremost instructors.  A walking map of downtown locations with Vorst connections is included in the exhibit program. 


This exhibit of oil paintings and lithographs is made possible by a loan from the Vorst family, and is on view for a limited time June 15-30 at the Sainte Genevieve Art Center & Art Museum at 310 Merchant Street on the courthouse square.


The exhibit opens on Friday night, June 14th, with a reception from 6 to 9pm.


On Saturday, June 15th, art educator Juanita Wyman will offer a free demonstration of a lithographic process you can try at home.


The exhibit is free and open from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily through June 30 except Mondays.


The Art Guild thanks the many volunteers who help it fulfill its mission to bring art experiences to the community.


Financial support for this exhibit is provided by the Missouri Arts Council, a state agency, and the Ste. Genevieve County Community Foundation.