Guardians of Liberty offer Seven Steps To Take Back Our Elections

Submitted article

JACKSON – The Guardians of Liberty will meet Tuesday, June 18, 2024 at Demonico’s Steakhouse, 2951 Old Orchard Road, Jackson from 5-7 p.m.


The speaker will be Dr. Douglas G. Frank, a world-renowned physicist with many peer-reviewed scientific publications. 


Since December 2020, Dr. Frank has been working for election reform with grassroots teams in over forty states.  He’s met with secretaries of state, attorneys general, dozens of legislators, and hundreds of local election officials, and is widely known for his informative and engaging presentations.  If election integrity is important to you, this presentation is a must see.  Tell your friends and let’s get some local election officials there also!


Knowledge is power.


About Guardians of Liberty

The goals of each meeting are to: Disseminate topical information that affects GOL members and the community at large (typically a speaker) Engage the attendees in a form of activism to work toward the completion of our mission. Increase the membership of the GOL. Everyone is invited regardless of party or ideology!  We hope you will attend! For more information, see the GOL link on our website:


Our mission is to attract, educate, organize and mobilize fellow citizens to secure Public Policy consistent with Fiscal Responsibility, Founding Principles and Constitutionally Limited Government under God.