Blake Ashby calls on Cori Bush to affirm Israel’s right to exist

ST. LOUIS, Mo. —Better Party Candidate Blake Ashby calls on Rep. Cori Bush to publicly affirm Israel’s right to exist.


“Through numerous comments, Rep. Bush has seemed to suggest that the nation of Israel is somehow illegitimate, and that the Jewish Israeli citizens shouldn’t have the right to choose their government,” Ashby said. “Rep. Bush has said that Gaza is really about “White Supremacy”, implying that somehow Israeli Jews stole their country. But Israeli Jews immigrated legally, over many decades. They have the same right to choose their government that every person does. Migration happens all the time. We don’t deny transplants to Florida the right to vote, why would we deny the Jewish citizens if Israel that same right?”


Ashby noted that the one person/one vote is a foundation of our belief in democracy. If we start deciding that some groups don’t deserve the vote, we will be stepping back from a belief that all people deserve the right to choose their government.


“Cori Bush needs to set the record straight” said Ashby. “She needs to tell the voters of the 1st District whether or not she believes the Jewish citizens have an inherent right to choose their government.”