Missouri House passes HB 1750 to Protect Property Rights

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – The Missouri House of Representatives has approved HB 1750, a legislative measure aimed at safeguarding property rights in the context of renewable energy development. The bill, sponsored by State Representative Mike Haffner, prohibits any corporations from using eminent domain for constructing wind or solar energy facilities on private land.


HB 1750 addresses concerns raised by supporters regarding the misuse of eminent domain powers by corporations, particularly in the pursuit of wind and solar energy projects. Representative Haffner emphasized the importance of protecting individual landowners from overreach by powerful entities and ensuring that eminent domain is reserved for legitimate public purposes.


“In recent years, we’ve seen a troubling trend of companies attempting to leverage eminent domain to advance their private interests in renewable energy projects,” stated Rep. Haffner. “Once a solar or wind energy project is built, it gains condemnation authority, potentially expanding to neighboring or adjacent properties. We believe that solar and wind turbine companies should negotiate with landowners rather than resorting to eminent domain to acquire property. This bill restores balance by limiting eminent domain to essential public utilities and infrastructure, safeguarding the property rights of Missouri citizens.”


House Speaker Dean Plocher echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the need for responsible use of eminent domain and the preservation of property rights for all Missourians. “Today’s passage of HB 1750 reaffirms our commitment to protecting the rights of landowners against government overreach,” said Speaker Plocher. “Property ownership is the cornerstone of the American dream, and the most powerful tools of the government should not be at the disposal of private interests to seize Missourians’ property.  From reforming property taxes to reinforcing protections against eminent domain abuse, the House Majority is committed to protecting Missouri homeowners.”


The passage of HB 1750 reflects a broader dialogue surrounding the regulation of renewable energy development and property rights in Missouri, and establishes necessary checks and balances to prevent abuse of eminent domain while supporting responsible energy initiatives.


The bill will now proceed to the Missouri Senate for further consideration. As the legislative process continues, stakeholders will continue to engage in discussions about the future of renewable energy policy and property rights in the state.


Representative Mike Haffner, a Republican, represents Cass County (District 55) in the Missouri House of Representatives. He was elected to his first two-year term in November 2018. For more information, please contact Rep. Haffner’s office at 573-751-3783 or via email at Mike.Haffner@House.Mo.Gov.