Spring Garden Walk & Plant Sale are back

STE. GENEVIEVE – The Ste. Genevieve Master Gardeners’ Spring Garden Walk & Plant Sale is returning the weekend of  May 18 and 19, 2024 to the downtown National Historic Landmark District.


The Plant sale starts at 9 a.m. Saturday, 10 a.m. Sunday.


The Garden Walk is 10 a.m-4 p.m. both Saturday and Sunday.


Tickets $10 each for individuals; children six and under are free.


Tickets may be purchased at the Master Gardener’s Ticket Booth located at the Welcome Center at

66 S Main Street. Venmo Accepted.



Proceeds from the Garden Walk and Plant Sale support our Beautification Grant Program. Programs we support include:


Beautification of the city’s public spaces with flowers, vegetables, trees, and other garden ornamentation


Sponsorship of educational seminars on gardening, garden art, birds, nature, etc.


Sponsorship of scholarships to local programming on gardening, the Master Garden Course


Opportunities currently unavailable that promote or assist gardening.

  • Programming that assists or encourages young children to develop a love of gardening.
  • Programs that provide opportunities for the disabled to participate in gardening activities.
  • Programs that aid the elderly in maintaining present gardens or promote continued gardening.


Our most recent beautification project is a cooperative project between the Ste Gen City and the Master Gardeners refurbishing the pocket garden at the junction of Main & Merchant. Our grant monies for 2024 have gone to this project.


It will have four phases:


  • Phase 1 was removal of the old diseased locust tree with funding provided by the City
  • Phase 2 was removal of the stump and larger roots by Todd Faulkner Tree Service with funding provided by the Ste Gen Master Gardeners.
  • Phase 3 will be repair of the uneven sidewalks under the Pergola and around the garden, funding provided by the City
  • Phase 4 will be adding in new plantings to the pocket garden provided by the SG Master Gardeners



The Garden Walk is a unique opportunity to see both private and historic gardens not typically open to the public.


The Plant Sale provides a mix of plants that are provided from Master Gardeners’ own private stock that do well in this 6a-b Hardiness Zone.


This year we will have Heucheras, daylilies, hostas, Bergenia, seedlings of dahlias, orange geraniums, snapdragons, gomphrena, wallflowers.


The lily is Ste. Genevieve’s designated city flower, and we will have approximately 31 lily varieties available for sale.


Additional activities to enjoy –


Farmer’s Market – Saturday only, 7am – 12noon find a selection of fresh radishes, greens, peas and more, with baked and canned goods.  


Music at Audubon’s Biergarten with Lynn, Jack and Jen will be playing on Saturday from 1pm-4pm.


Historic Home Tours in the style of 18th century French Colonial architecture style known as poteaux en terre. Small fees may be required for a tour.


Shopping in one of the many craft, boutique clothing and gift shops located in the historic district.


Dine leisurely at one of the local restaurants that offer some of the French and German specialties of the area.

Visit area wineries for a sampling of the local wine, including mead.


Explore trails in the nature areas of Pickle Springs and Hawn State Park for sightings of uncommon plant species relics of the glacial period, birds, animals, and glacial rock formations.