Jefferson College holds fundraiser to expand Veterinary Technology program

HILLSOBORO – On Saturday, May 4, Jefferson College is hosting a jazz concert to promote fundraising for a new Veterinary Technology facility to increase the number of students in the program. The new facility will grow the program by 33 percent.


The Vet Tech program was established in 1976, and since then more than 1,800 animals have been saved and adopted out into the community. Our students have a 100 percent job placement rate from the program, and it attracts students from a 200 mile radius. We always receive many more applicants than spots, so it was time to expand the program.


The event kicked off April 28 with a silent auction with items donated and created by student groups at Jefferson College. On May 4 the auction ends and we conduct live raffles and a “fund a future” promotion for Vet Tech. Dinner and drinks are included.


We’re hoping to raise $50,000 and have more than 300 people in attendance, and everyone is invited to attend.