SGHS Constitution Team performs well at Show Me the Constitution State Competition

STE GENEVIEVE — Congratulations to the Ste. Genevieve High School Constitution Team on their fourth place finish in the “Show Me the Constitution State Competition” held April 7 – 8 in Columbia, Missouri.


This competition is sponsored by the Missouri Bar Association.


The Constitution Team meets after school and during Dragon Fire time at SGHS.



Team members include Lucy Sears, Hannah Woodruff, Jeremiah Kunz, Penny Yang and Charlie Corbett.


These students independently research and write three five-minute essays discussing prompts that are chosen by the Missouri Bar Association.



This year’s topics included: the constitutionality of Judicial Review, Affirmative Action, and Free Speech in Public Spaces.


At the state competition, the SGHS Constitution Team showed exemplary knowledge of constitutional principles and defended their positions spectacularly before multiple panels of Missouri lawyers, including a current Missouri Supreme Court Justice.


SGHS Government teachers Mr. Jason Elders and Mr. Dustin Kueker are extremely proud of the hard work these students put in and the exceptional job they did representing our school! Go Dragons!