General Federation of Women’s Clubs of Missouri hosted 89th Annual Sophomore Pilgrimage to Jefferson City

STE GENEVIEVE —The General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) of Missouri sponsored more than 150 sophomore high school students from high schools throughout Missouri to the Capital city to witness our state’s government in action.



On April 9th, the sophomore students and their chaperones toured the Capital, Secretary of State’s Office, Supreme Court and Lewis & Clark Trailhead Monument. They ended their experience at the First United Methodist Church where during lunch they heard remarks from Governor Michael Parson, Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft, Treasurer Vivek Malek, Attorney General Andrew Bailey and State Auditor Scott Fitzpatrick and Supreme Court Justice Mary Russell.


Each student received a Certificate of Citizenship for their participation in the Pilgrimage. Students Elijah Bennett from Ste. Genevieve High School and Drake Meyer from Valle Catholic High School were sponsored by the GFWC Woman’s Club of Ste. Genevieve. Drake Meyer presented the invocation at the luncheon.


On the previous day, sophomore students from the GFWC MO 9th District (southeast), toured Westminster College and the National Churchill Museum in Fulton and met with their State Representatives for dinner at the Capital.


In 1934, Mrs. Mary Hinton Morris of the Women’s Club in Hannibal Missouri and first Sophomore Pilgrimage Chairman said, “The crying need of today is for more discreet, considerate, intelligent and loyal citizenship…the future of our state and nation lies in the hands of our children.”


Her dream was to foster responsible citizenship among our students. The first annual sponsorship by GFWC clubs of outstanding sophomores from high schools all over the state of Missouri to observe the inner workings of state government, to tour government buildings and to listen to top state officials became a reality on March 5, 1935.


GFWC MO Sophomore Pilgrimage Co-chairmen, Judy Gustafson and Diane Miller of Ste. Genevieve, said “We were thrilled to see this year’s sophomore class of high school students who exemplify high standards of Honor, Courage, Citizenship, Scholarship, Leadership and Service.”


The General Federation of Women’s Clubs are dedicated to strengthening communities and enhancing the lives of others through volunteer services. They help create change by supporting the arts, preserving historical resources and advancing education through scholarships.


For more information contact Judy Gustafson at 314-650-9348,