United Way invites community to ‘get on the bus!’ during National Volunteer Month

SOUTHEAST MISSOURI – Potential volunteers and anyone interested in learning more about the many organizations in the United Way of Southeast Missouri network are invited to “Get on the Bus!” The free tours scheduled April 23 from 3-5 p.m. and April 24 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. are designed for people looking for the right opportunity to get involved and support the community. The organization’s Live United Tours have been part of National Volunteer Month since 2015, except during the pandemic. 



Riders will take a bus donated by Cape Girardeau County Transit Authority to visit multiple nonprofits in the United Way network. The Live United Tours allow donors and volunteers to get a first-hand look at the collective power of the United Way network throughout Southeast Missouri. The two-hour tours are free, and Wednesday’s includes lunch at a nonprofit center on the tour.


Veronica Kirn, now a volunteer on two UWSEMO committees, participated in last year’s Live United tours. Kirn explains, “Witnessing firsthand where United Way donations go in our community inspired me. The Get on the Bus tour was an educational experience about critical issues facing all of our neighbors and showcased the tangible solutions being implemented on a daily basis. This event compelled me to offer my time and contribute to making a difference in Southeast Missouri.” 


UWSEMO has been offering partner tours for several years. Each tour incorporates visits and information on 8-10 programs represented by different agencies demonstrating the many initiatives UWSEMO invests in that support Southeast Missourians at every stage of life. Each stop will include a guided tour by a staff member of that agency with additional information shared between stops.


Although the Live United bus tours are free and open to everyone, all events have limited capacity and require registration by calling the United Way office at 573-334-9634 or by visiting https://www.unitedwayofsemo.org/volunteer-month


Parking and scheduling information specific to each tour will be given to registrants once details are finalized.