The Ste. Genevieve County Library is bringing Technology for Seniors back

STE. GENEVIEVE – It’s long been a need in our community for those of us who weren’t afforded the opportunity to grow up on technology.


This class will be taught by Ste. Genevieve County Library Tech Aid  Asa Lemons.


It will be an interactive course quite similar to the one hosted in 2022.


Classes will be every Monday from March 18th to April 15th from 10-11:30 a.m. Space is limited, but if we end up filling out all the spots it is very likely we will host the same class again in a later month so don’t lose hope if you don’t make it in time for this one!


If you or a loved one you think this would be useful for would like to sign up, the sheet is on the front desk; just ask one of our amazing librarians for help signing up.


You can also sign up by just shooting us a call at 573-883-3358 Thanks, and have a great day!