Mo Rep. Doug Richey files bills to safeguard student rights and parental involvement

JEFFERSON CITY — Missouri State Representative Doug Richey has filed a series of significant education bills for the upcoming legislative session, addressing crucial issues related to ideological discrimination, parental choice, and student well-being in Missouri’s education system. These bills aim to protect students from ideological bias, empower parents with educational choices, and establish guidelines for respectful communication between schools and parents.


HOUSE BILL NO. 1737 – Protection Against Ideological Discrimination in Postsecondary Education:

This bill seeks to provide safeguards against ideological discrimination in postsecondary education. It ensures that students have the right to express diverse perspectives without fear of discrimination based on their ideologies.


HOUSE BILL NO. 1911 – Missouri Parental Choice Tax Credit Act:

This bill establishes the “Missouri Parental Choice Tax Credit Act,” which introduces a tax credit for certain educational expenses. The act aims to empower parents with greater control over their children’s education by providing financial support for educational choices that best suit their family’s needs.


HOUSE BILL NO. 1740 – American History Course Requirements for High Schools:

This bill outlines specific requirements for American history courses in high schools, ensuring that students receive a comprehensive and unbiased education in American history.


HOUSE BILL NO. 1739 – Parents’ Bill of 2 Rights Act of 2024:

This bill focuses on safeguarding parental rights and promoting the well-being of students in schools. It includes provisions such as:


Notification to Parents: If a student expresses discomfort or confusion about their documented identity, school officials must notify the parent within twenty-four hours.


Pronoun Use: School officials must inform parents if a student requests the use of pronouns associated with a gender different from their documented identity.


Name Use: Written permission from the parent is required before allowing a student to use a name in class different from the one provided during registration.


Clothing Choices: School officials must obtain written permission from parents before encouraging or discouraging specific clothing choices, except when necessary for safety or adherence to the school dress code.


Prohibition of Gender Reassignment Recommendations: School officials are prohibited from encouraging students to pursue gender reassignment therapy or any medical or surgical service altering healthy physical characteristics without parental consent.


Accountability and Consequences: The bill outlines consequences for school officials who violate these provisions, including protection for whistleblowers, disciplinary actions against teachers and school officials, and legal actions against school districts.


Representative Doug Richey emphasizes the importance of these bills protecting parental rights, requiring transparency, and ensuring that students receive a well-rounded education rooted in American civics.


“I believe these bills are crucial steps toward creating a strong and safe educational environment for our students, ” said Representative Doug Richey. “It’s essential to empower parents with choices and protect students from ideological discrimination while maintaining a focus on quality education.”