Chester CUSD No. 139 Board of Education meets Thursday

CHESTER – A regular meeting of the Chester School District Board of Education will be held Thursday, November 16, 2023, at 7:30 p.m. in the High School Family & Consumer Science Classroom (217B) located at 1901 Swanwick Street, Chester, IL.


The meeting is open to the public.




  1. Call to Order and Roll Call – 5:30 p.m.
  2. Executive Session

            2.1. For the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of             specific employees of the public body.

  1. Regular Session – 7:30 p.m.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Opportunity for Public Comment (please be mindful that these meetings of the BOE are required by the Open Meeting Law to be held in a public setting. Each participant will be limited to 5 minutes, which the board will listen to but will not respond during this time.)
  4. Board Correspondence
  5. Approve Consent Agenda Items as Listed

            7.1. Approval of Agenda

            7.2. October 18, 2023, Regular & Executive Session Meeting Minutes

            7.3. November 2, 2023, Special & Executive Session Meeting Minutes

            7.4. Bills & Payroll

            7.5. Financial Reports

  1. Departmental & Administrative Reports
  2. New Business

            9.1 Consider First Reading/Discussion of Tax Levy

            9.2 Conduct 1st reading of Press Policy 113 updates

            9.3 Approve MOU between the District and the Association regarding teacher reimbursement

            9.4 Approve quote with Southern Bus & Mobility for a 2024 Trans Tech 14-passenger MFSAB    for $79,635.00

            9.5 Approve facility request for Steeleville Grade School to utilize the track and field for OVC     Jr. and Sr. Track Conference meets on April 3rd and 10th from 10 am-5 pm

            9.6 Approve Board of Education regular meeting dates for calendar year 2023

  1. Personnel

            10.1 Employment, Coaches, and Volunteers

            10.2 Resignations

11. Adjournment