STE. GENEVIEVE – The Board Briefs from the October 17th Ste. Genevieve County School District R-II Board of Education meeting have been released.
This information includes highlights from the Ste. Genevieve County R-II Board of Education’s Oct. 17, 2023, Regular Meeting. This is an unofficial record. The official Board Minutes are posted on the district website and are located on BoardDocs, linked here. The video of the meeting can be found on the district’s Youtube Channel, SGDragonsTV.
The MSBA October Board Report looks at the resources available to school boards and school board candidates as we head into filing and election season, as well as a look ahead to the MSBA Annual Conference, Delegate Assembly, and more. The MSBA Board Report is a monthly five to seven-minute video program featuring the latest news from MSBA about public education in Missouri. The program is designed to be shown during local school board meetings.
Board members and administrators listen to concerns and respond when appropriate by mail or telephone at a later date. The Board does not respond within the meeting to those who come to offer public comment. In order to speak during public participation, a Public Comment Form must be filled out and submitted to the Board President prior to the beginning of the meeting. See Policy BDDH-1: Public Participation at Board Meetings for guidelines and procedures.
Enrollment – Last Wednesday in September.
Superintendent Dr. Paul Taylor presented the enrollment count from the last Wednesday of September. This is the number submitted to the state in the district’s Core Data as its official enrollment count.
Dr. Taylor shared that the Pre-K enrollment is steady and at capacity, and that for the first time since COVID-19, the K-12 enrollment has surpassed 1,800 students with a total of 1,801 students on Sept. 27.
Principal Reports.
Each building principal reported on a variety of teacher and student accomplishments.
Professional Development Day – October 2, 2023.
Assistant Superintendent Dr. Lance McClard presented a summary of the Professional Development Day for teachers, paraprofessionals and aides that was held on Oct. 2, 2023. He discussed how the sessions were differentiated for the various levels, including K – 5 special education teachers collaborating with paraprofessionals, 6 – 12 focusing on Competency Based Learning (CBL), and elementary teachers undertaking LETRS Training. Dr. McClard shared a reminder that the District is hosting the River Summit Professional Development event this year on Feb. 16, and that the Professional Development Committee has been hard at work planning the details.
Prop SG Update.
Dr. Taylor provided the Board with an update on the Prop SG projects.
SGMS: Construction on the SGMS elevator addition is moving forward, with a large opening cut into the side of the building leading to the nurse’s office. The initial piece of equipment to cut the wall turned out to be ineffective, but with a new four-foot diameter wet saw, crews were able to complete the task. In addition, crews have been erecting more forms in preparation for concrete pours. Recently, our SGMS administration posted the building plans so that students, staff and visitors can envision the end result while watching construction progress.
Early Childhood: Superintendent Dr. Paul Taylor, as well as representatives from KRJ Architects, Brockmiller Construction and Taylor Engineering visited the Ste. Genevieve Board of Aldermen meeting on Oct. 12 to present an opportunity to partner with the City in regards to water work in the area of the upcoming Early Childhood Center. The District requested that the City move up a portion of its water line upgrade to be done in conjunction with the Early Childhood Center. The City’s plan to upgrade to a 6-inch pipe from a 4-inch pipe in that area was originally scheduled for 2025. With a current 4-in. water main in that area, there is a significant pressure and volume issue, which would make it impossible to install a sprinkler system in the new Center. Dr. Taylor shared that the aldermen seemed open to further discussion and that the District will prepare a proposal and bids for that upgrade and submit it to the aldermen for their next meeting. Site work for the Early Childhood Center is expected to begin this week. The updated site plan can be viewed here.
Instructional Program Presentation — Middle School Health & Physical Education.
The team of health and physical education teachers from Ste. Genevieve Middle School presented an overview of all of the learning activities offered to students throughout their programming.
This included an explanation of the units, which have a mixture of skill work, physical fitness, game play and small sided games, as well as a discussion of topics covered in the courses, some of which include Nutrition, Technology Use, Health Promotion, Wellness, Disease Prevention, Substance Abuse, Body Systems, Safety and First Aid, and Types of Bullying.
Bus Routes.
Superintendent Dr. Taylor presented, and the Board approved, the bus routes for the 2023-2024 school year. Maps of the 30 bus routes were available prior to the meeting for the Board of Education members to review.
Fallert Bus Service buses travel approximately 2,132 miles per day. In an effort to protect student privacy and safety, route information will not be shared for public viewing.
No New Business.
The Board of Education will hold its next Regularly Scheduled Meeting on Nov. 21, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. in the R.W. Thomas Library.