Perry County School District 32 Board of Education meets Wednesday

PERRYVILLE – The Perry County School District No. 32 has released the tentative agenda for Wednesday’s Board of Education meeting.


The meeting will be held Wednesday, October 11,2023 in the Old Senior High School, Room 105 at 7 p.m.



Board of Education

Regular Meeting Open Session Agenda

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Old Senior High School, Room 105 7:00 p.m


Tentative Agenda


I. Open Session called to order

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Approval of the Agenda

IV. Spotlight

V. Paton Comments

VI. Approval of Consent Agenda

A. September Meeting Minutes

1. September 13, 2023 2. September 26, 2023 B. September Warrants

VII. New Business

A. Action Items

1. Roll call vote to schedule a closed session to discuss real estate, student & personnel matters as permitted by RSMo. 610.021 sections (2), (3), (6), (13) and (14) at the conclusion of the open session.

2. Bus Routes

3. Sub Nurse Pay

4. Approve Sales contract for a building trades house.

B. Discussion Items

1. John Belcher Scholarship Committee

C. Informational Items

1. Superintendent’s Report

a) DN-1-(AP) Procedure / Surplus

b) MAP / EOC data, Mrs. Jane Narrow

c) CSIP Response to Standards

d) Financial Report

e) Middle School Pay App #21

f) Attendance Report

g) Newsletter

h) Vacant Positions Update, Mr. Hayden

2. MSBA October Video

VIII. Adjourn Open Session