Spire natural gas customers will begin paying a bit more soon

JEFFERSON CITY—The Missouri Public Service Commission has approved a request filed by Spire Missouri, Inc. (Spire Missouri) to increase the Infrastructure System Replacement Surcharge (ISRS) on the bills of its natural gas customers.


The ISRS first appeared on Spire West customer bills in April 2004 and on Spire East customer bills in June 2004. This ISRS adjustment reflects infrastructure replacement investments made by the natural gas company during the period of March 1, 2023 through August 31, 2023. These costs for natural gas pipeline replacements and relocations are not currently included in Spire Missouri’s rates.


The current ISRS for residential customers of Spire East is $0.37 a month. As a result of this case, the ISRS will increase to $0.75 a month.


For Spire West residential customers, the current ISRS is $0.59 a month. As a result of this case, the ISRS will increase to $1.79 a month.


Spire Missouri has been authorized to file tariffs reflecting the Commission’s decision. Those tariffs will include a proposed effective date for the ISRS change.


Spire East provides natural gas service to approximately 664,523 customers in Ste. Genevieve County, the City of St. Louis and also the Missouri counties of St. Louis, St. Charles, Butler, Iron, Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, Crawford, St. Francois and Ste. Genevieve.


Spire West provides natural gas service to approximately 537,047 customers in Andrew, Barry, Barton, Bates, Buchanan, Carroll, Cass, Cedar, Christian, Clay, Clinton, Dade, DeKalb, Greene, Henry, Howard, Jackson, Jasper, Johnson, Lafayette, Lawrence, McDonald, Moniteau, Pettis, Platte, Ray, Saline, Stone and Vernon counties.