Ste. Genevieve Board of Aldermen meets

STE. GENEVIEVE – The Ste. Genevieve Board of Aldermen met Thursday night.


Resolution 2023-66 was approved. It allows the city to purchase a 2019 Chevy Suburban for the fire department at a cost of $40,642.


Bill No. 4580 was given second round approval on a 7-0-1 vote (Ald. Cleghorn absent). It allows the city to grant an easement to the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission for the upgrading of pedestrian facilities along Route M (Rozier Street).


Bill No. 4582 was approved on first and second round votes (7-0-1). It allows the city to enter into an intergovernmental cooperation agreement with Ste. Genevieve County 911 Tax Emergency Services Board for dispatching services for calender year 2023.


Bill No. 4583 was approved on first reading. It approves a budget amendment adjusting various revenue and expenditure increases.


Bill No. 4584 was approved on first reading. It allows a memorandum of agreement with Alliance Water Resources, which modifies a professional service agreement dated August 12, 2010.


Alderman Joe Steiger asked about past increases in Alliance fees. City Administer Happy Welch said it has risen between 2.4 percent and 2.7 percent per year, up 3.6 percent last year and up 3.0 percent this year.


Bill No. 4585 was approved on first reading. It approves the annual budget for fiscal year 2024 and approves an effective date.


Editor’s note: I am grateful for the assistance of Charles Litterest, Mark Evans and City Treasurer Sue Schweiss.