SEDALIA —The Missouri State Fair celebrated youth in agriculture on Saturday, Aug. 19. The annual Sale of Champions highlighted the day, breaking numerous records from previous sales raising over $275,000 for Youth in Agriculture.
The Grand Champion Steer was exhibited by Ryleigh Witt of Warrenton. Ryleigh is the daughter of Tyler Witt and is a member of the Hawk Point 4-H Club. Her 1,410-pound Crossbred steer sold for $24,750 and was purchased by Edward Jones Associates, Lieutenant Governor Mike Kehoe, Wheeler Auctions and Randy Little. Additional funds for the Grand Champion Steer were also contributed by the Youth in Agriculture Committee and hometown supporters resulting in a total record-breaking sale value of $46,000.
The Grand Champion Barrow was exhibited by Renee Conklin of Hallsville. Renee is the daughter of Russell and Joyce Conklin and is a member of the Hallsville FFA. Her 277-pound Light Crossbred hog was purchased for $14,000 by The Mizzou Group (Mizzou CAFNR Alumni, Department of Animal Sciences, Independent Aggies, MU Block and Bridle, Mizzou Meat Market) and BTC Bank. Additional funds were also contributed by the Youth in Agriculture Committee and hometown supporters resulting in a record-breaking total sale value of $50,000.
Payge Dahmer, of Nevada, exhibited the Grand Champion and Reserve Champion Market Lambs. Payge is the daughter of Cory and Amy Dahmer and is a member of the Nevada FFA Chapter. Her Champion Crossbred lamb weighed 137 pounds and was purchased for $5,500 by CFM Insurance and the Missouri Sheep Merchandising Council, along with additional funds from the Youth in Agriculture committee and hometown supporters. The total sale value of the Grand Champion Lamb was $14,000. Her Reserve Champion Hampshire lamb weighed 123 pounds and was purchased for $5,500 by Missouri Sheep Merchandising Council and Climate LLC, along with additional funds from the Youth in Agriculture Committee and hometown supporters. The total sale value of the Reserve Champion Lamb was a $11,300.
The Grand Champion Meat Goat was exhibited by Ty Murphy of Houstonia. Ty is the son of Brent and DeEtta Murphy and is a member of the Kennedy 4-H Club. His Boer goat weighed 75 pounds and was purchased for $5,000 by Edward Jones Associates. Additional funds were also contributed by Youth in Agriculture Committee and hometown supporters resulting in a total sale value of $17,100.
The Grand Champion Pen of Chickens was exhibited by Hayden Duncan, of Centertown. Hayden is the son of Kevin and Diana Duncan and is a member of the Columbia FFA Chapter. His Cornish Cross broilers weighed an average of 6.91 pounds and were purchased by Frank/Hazelrigg Cattle Company for $2,000. Additional funds were contributed from Youth in Agriculture Committee and hometown supporters resulting in a total sale value of $3,150.
Molly Strozewski, of Lincoln, exhibited the Grand Champion Pen of Rabbits. Molly is the daughter of Jake and Jill Strozewski and is a member of the Independent Benton County 4-H. Her New Zealand rabbits had an average weight of 4.6 pounds and were purchased for $2,745 by Mizzou CAFNR and the Missouri Rabbit Producers Association, along with additional funds from the Youth in Agriculture Committee and hometown supporters. The total sale value of the Grand Champion Pen of Rabbits was $6,900.
The Grand Champion Ham was exhibited by Timothy Holtsclaw of California. Timothy is the son of Thad and Sara Holtsclaw and is a member of the California FFA Chapter. His ham weighed 22.79 pounds and was purchased by Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council for $3,300, along with additional funds from Youth in Agriculture Committee and hometown supporters. The record-breaking total sale value of the Grand Champion Ham was $6,550.
The Grand Champion Bacon was exhibited by Jackie Clay of Moberly. Jackie is the daughter of Jimmie and Julie Clay, Lloyd Miller and Kathy Miller-Price and is a member of the Paris Patriots 4-H. Her bacon weighed 9.95 pounds and was purchased by Regional Missouri Bank for $1,800, along with additional funds from Youth in Agriculture Committee and hometown supporters. The total sale value of the Grand Champion Bacon was $7,400.
Paisley Nelson, of Platte City, exhibited the Reserve Grand Champion Steer. Paisley is the daughter of Blake and Ruth Nelson and is a member of the Platte County 4-H Club. Paisley’s 1,380-pound Charolais Composite steer was purchased for $18,450 by Missouri State Fair Concessionaires, Wheeler Angus, and Wayne & Anita Vanderwert. Additional funds from Youth in Agriculture Committee and hometown supporters resulted in a total sale value $29,500.
Molly Malter, of Marshall, showed the Reserve Grand Champion Barrow. Molly is the daughter of Justin and Rebecca Malter and is a member of the Work to Win 4-H Club. Molly’s 283-pound Light Crossbred barrow was purchased for $9,500 by Climate LLC, Heimer Hampshires, and Smithfield Foods. Additional funds were provided by Youth in Agriculture Committee and hometown supporters resulting in a total sale value of $43,500.
Payton Rodgers, of Savannah, exhibited the Reserve Grand Champion Meat Goat. Payton is the daughter of Blaine and Melissa Rodgers and is a member of the Savannah FFA Chapter. Payton’s Boer goat weighed 106-pounds and sold for $4,500 to Specialty Risk Insurance and Heimer and Associates. Additional funds from Youth in Agriculture Committee and hometown supporters resulted in a total sale value of $7,900.
Blake Gates, of Cairo, exhibited the Reserve Champion Pen of Chickens. Blake is the son of Brian and Peggy Gates and is a member of the Neighborly Community 4-H. Blake’s Cornish Cross chickens weighed an average of 6.52 pounds and sold for $1,500 to Invenergy – The Grain Belt Express, with additional funds from Youth in Agriculture Committee and hometown supporters resulting in a total sale value of $4,150.
Wren Coats, of Braymer, exhibited the Reserve Champion Pen of Rabbits. Wren is the daughter of Shawn and Nichole Coats and is a member of the Braymer FFA Chapter. Wren’s New Zealand rabbits weighed an average of 4.53 pounds and sold for $1,500 to Missouri Rabbit Producers and Exhibitors, with additional funds from Youth in Agriculture Committee and hometown supporters resulting in a total sale value of $4,900.
Madison McCord, of California, exhibited the Reserve Champion Ham. Madison is the daughter of Brad and Jennifer McCord and is a member of the California FFA Chapter. Madison’s ham weighed 23.16 pounds and sold for $2,200 to Fordyce Farms, with additional funds from Youth in Agriculture Committee and hometown supporters resulting in a total sale value of $3,700.
Chase Kendrick, of Mexico, exhibited the Reserve Champion Bacon. Chase is the son of Jared and Ashley Kendrick and is a member of the Paris FFA Chapter. Chase’s bacon weighed 7.82 pounds and sold for $1,700 to Regional Missouri Bank, with additional funds from Youth in Agriculture Committee and hometown supporters resulting in a record-breaking total sale value of $9,700.
The Limited Edition Sale of Champions Commemorative Belt Buckle was purchased by Mark Wolfe for $2,500.
Chuck Miller, Superintendent of the Sale of Champions and Co-Chairman of the Missouri State Fair Foundation Youth in Agriculture Committee, and Rodney Heimer, Co-Chairman, offered thanks and appreciation to all buyers and Youth in Agriculture sponsors. The youth exhibitors were especially excited to participate in the Sale this year and raised over $130,000 of hometown support. Proceeds from the Sale go to the sale exhibitors and are used to award Missouri State Fair Youth in Agriculture scholarships. They also thanked for providing their online bidding service which was sponsored by Mike Williams & Wheeler Auctions & Real Estate, Chas Wheeler, Paris.
A complete list of all 2023 Youth in Agriculture sponsors will soon be available at