20 Missouri public school districts, Ste Gen R-II, will pilot meaningful assessments, accountability system to support student success

JEFFERSON CITY — The Missouri State Board of Education has approved a three-year innovation waiver for 20 public school districts that will support the creation of a more meaningful way to measure student learning, demonstrate individual student growth and influence future success for all Missouri students.


Ste. Genevieve County R-II School District is proud to join this network of 20 “System Design Zone” public school districts from across the state that requested to pilot an alternative, growth-based student assessment to replace the MAP test, and ultimately implement a better accountability system as well.


Missouri’s Assistant Commissioner of Education Lisa Sireno addressed the board on Aug. 15, on behalf of the Success-Ready Students Network. The SRSN includes 20 System Design Zone public school districts from across the state, which will now use growth-based assessments to replace MAP as the sole state measure of academic achievement.


The districts will use information from growth-based assessments to design an accountability system that supports students in being high school, college, career and workplace ready. These districts will continue to administer the MAP test unless and until a federal waiver request is approved by the United States Department of Education in the future. DESE and the SRSN will now work together to propose this federal waiver.


“We are excited to be a part of this transition where through-year, growth-based testing and a focus on college, career and workplace readiness become a priority,” Superintendent Dr. Paul Taylor said. “Our district began implementing through-year NWEA testing as a pilot several years ago, and this assessment has become integral in helping students grow. Our educators are able to adjust instruction to meet the needs of our students, and can examine and discuss real-time data and collaborate on ways to implement improvements with students and their families. Here at Ste. Genevieve County R-II, we recognize that this work is meaningful for families, actionable for teachers, and effective for students.”


WATCH: Missouri State Board of Education Meeting

What is a System Design Zone


  • System Design Zone districts in the Success-Ready Students Network have been recognized as educational leaders in the state of Missouri.
  • System Design Zone districts who are part of the waiver and help lead the work of the SRSN are: Affton, Branson, Center, Confluence Academy, Fayette, Lebanon, Lee’s Summit, Lewis County, Liberty, Lindbergh, Lonedell, Mehlville, Neosho, Ozark, Parkway, Pattonville, Raymore-Peculiar, Ritenour, Ste. Genevieve and Shell Knob.


The districts have asked for exemptions from specific requirements related to improving student readiness for employment, higher education, career and technical education, or any career and job training; and improving professional learning for teachers.


During the three-year period, System Design Zone districts will replace the existing Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP) 6 Annual Performance Report with an alternative way of measuring district success, and develop an alternative way to measure student growth and achievement. Districts will also engage students in acquiring Market Value Assets (MVA) to help them prepare for success in college, career and life after graduation.


MVA’s focus on real world learning experiences and include internships, industry-recognized certifications, entrepreneurship and college credit programs.


The work of the System Design Zone districts in the Success-Ready Students Network will begin this fall and continue through the 2025-26 school year.


Some of the key components of a new measurement system would include:

  • Measuring student growth multiple times throughout the school year
  • Providing immediate, timely feedback for the student, teacher and parents
  • Student awareness of where they are and engagement in setting future goals
  • Active student learning using different pathways and varied pacing
  • Student progress based on evidence of mastery, not seat time
  • Student engagement in real-world learning experiences that support high school, college,

career and workplace readiness


The Success-Ready Students Workgroup was commissioned by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education in 2022, and this group’s recommendations led to creation of the Success-Ready Students Network, which has been working in collaboration with DESE to create the Demonstration Project that was presented to the state board earlier this year, on June 6. The Demonstration Project includes a School Innovation Waiver request under Missouri Revised Statutes, Chapter 161.214, and is based on the Missouri definition for competency-based learning, to create a model and approach that can ultimately benefit students throughout the state.


“Students are at the center of this work,” said Dr. Mike Fulton, Success-Ready Students Network facilitator. “We want to focus on learning, and make sure that this work honors all children in Missouri, developing approaches that meet all of their needs to become high school, college, career and workplace ready.”


The current state assessment is designed to provide system-level feedback, and the accountability system, MSIP 6, measures school district performance using lagging indicators. The goal of the Success-Ready Students Network is to shift to better tools that provide ongoing feedback to students, teachers and parents, and support continuous improvement for school districts.


What is the Success-Ready Students Network


The Success-Ready Students Network is a diverse group of 59 Missouri school districts, four universities and 14 state and regional education organizations, working in collaboration with the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.


Together, they are designing a better way for each student to engage in meaningful learning, demonstrate individual growth and prepare for future success.


School districts in the network serve approximately 30 percent of all Missouri students in grades K-12.

This work has been made possible so far thanks to financial support from the Kauffman Foundation. Looking ahead, the SRSN has submitted a grant proposal to the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to secure funding to continue supporting this important work.


For more information about the Success-Ready Students Network, please visit www.srsnmo.org.