Chester School District No. 139 announces registration information for 2023-2024

On-Line and In-Person options are available

BY JIM BEERS, Contributing Writer

CHESTER – Summer vacation is coming to a close and schools in the Chester Community Unit School District No. 139 will be starting in just three weeks. Teachers report on Monday and Tuesday August 14 and 15, while students start Wednesday August 16.

The District has already announced student registration options, some of which began Tuesday July 25. This year there are both On-Line and In-Person options for registration.

On-Line Registration

The On-Line Registration option began Tuesday July 25. Both registration and payment of fees can be conducted on-line by using TeacherEase Accounts. It should be noted that there is a small fee for on-line payments. Parents wishing to pay by check can still send payments to the school. Any parents unable to register using the TeacherEase option are welcome to use the In-Person options available.

In-Person Registration

High School In-Person Registration:

This option is available by appointment ONLY! Please call: (618) 826-2302.

Grade School In-Person Registration:

Thursday July 27: 12:00 p.m.- 6:30 p.m. or Friday July 28: 8:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.

Kindergarten Registration

In order to register for kindergarten, a student MUST be five-years old by SEPTEMBER 1, 2023! Parents or guardians MUST present the following items at the time of registration: Physical Examination Form; Certified Birth Certificate; and Immunization Records.

Parents or guardians that did NOT preregister their children in the spring should call the Chester Grade School at (618) 826-2354 to Schedule an appointment! Please note that Kindergarten Screenings will be held By Appointment Only on one of four dates: Wednesday August 16, Thursday August 17, Friday August 18, or Monday August 21.

Proof of Residency

Proof of residency is required at the time of all student registrations. It is required by law for parents or guardians to present two documents as proof of residency EVERY school year at the time of registration.

Examples of adequate proof residency include: 1) Current monthly utility bills. (ONLY electric, gas, water, or cable bills will be accepted); 2) Current “closing documents” for a recent purchase of a residence; 3) Current Illinois Public Aid card; or 4) Current driver’s license.

Registration Fees

Early Childhood:        $32.00

Grades K-6:                $50.00

Grades 7-8:                  $80.00

High School, 9-12:      $110.00

Note: At the High School level, additional fees include:

Driver’s Education:    $75.00

Parking Pass:               $15.00

Yondr Phone Pouch:   $15.00

\CCSI (Per Semester): $5.00

Athletic Fees

Each student participating in a sport MUST pay a $40.00 Athletic Fee per sport. Such fee must be paid prior to the start of the first day of practice (after try-outs have taken place for that particular sport).

Breakfast-Lunch-Milk Fees

Breakfast:                    $1.10 (Served 7:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.)

Adult Breakfast:          $1.60

Lunch Grades K-6:     $2.10

Lunch 7-8:                  $2.30

Lunch 9-12:                 $2.45

Milk:                            $.40

Note: Certain Fees are waived for students that are qualified. Parents interested in such waivers can request information from the CGS and CHS offices.