Voluntary Conservation Notice for PWSD No. 1 customers

STE. GENEVIEVE – This is an important notification from Public Water Supply District No. 1 of Ste. Genevieve County.



The drought conditions and above-normal temperatures that are impacting Missouri at this time are leading to extremely high water use by our customers and putting significant stress on the water supply. A voluntary conservation notice has been issued for all customers in our service areas. We ask that you voluntarily limit all non-essential water use, specifically outdoor water use.


By asking for voluntary water conservation, the Public Water Supply District No. 1 of Ste. Genevieve aims to ensure that all residents have sufficient access to water resources throughout the summer, while proactively addressing the challenges posed by drought conditions.


Compliance with this notice is voluntary at this time and may be modified in the future based on customer response and future weather conditions. If you have any questions, call our office at 573-883-5670.