CHS Basketball Camp has great interest

Approximately 70 boys and girls attended first two days with much enthusiasm

BY JIM BEERS, Contributing Writer

CHESTER – The 2023 Summer Youth Basketball Camp hosted by CHS Head Boys Coach Chris Toledo has been very successful in its first two days.  The event began Wednesday June 21 and will end Friday June 23.

In the opening two days of the camp attendance has averaged 70 boys and girls which is a great turnout considering early summer vacations, little league ball games as well as other various camps and family outings.

This is the group of CHS Basketball Camp players that met from 9:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. each day of the 3-day camp June 21-23.  Session 1 was for girls and boys in 3rd, 4rth, and 5th grades. CHS Lady Jackets and YellowJackets are also pictured who were assisting with the camp. Jim Beers Photo

Camp Director, Chris Toledo, CHS Boys Basketball Head Coach, said, “We have had a great turnout so far. Some kids can’t come on certain days due to previous commitments, however, with 70 kids, we have our hands full. Yesterday (opening day Wednesday June 21) we even had a bunch of kids show up that had not even registered.  We allowed them to stay and had a great opening day!”

This is the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade group of athletes that attended the older age Session 2 from 10:30-12 Noon each day of the 3-day CHS Youth Basketball Camp. The photo also includes members of the CHS Girls’ and Boys’ Basketball Teams that assisted with the camp. Jim Beers Photo

Toledo is being assisted by one of his assistant CHS coaches, Nick Severs, who has volumes of experience. Toledo also has most of the Lady Jackets Girls Basketball Team players and a good number of his YellowJacket Boys Basketball team.


Several Lady Jacket Basketball players work with boys and girls on free throw shooting at the 2023 CHS Youth Basketball Camp June 21-23. Jim Beers Photo

The camp is a three day event with two sessions each day. Session 1 is for younger boys and girls in grades 3-5. That session starts at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 10:15 p.m.  Session 2 is for older boys and girls and begins at 10:30 a.m. and finishes at 12:00 Noon.


Chris Toledo, CHS Boys Basketball Head Coach, watches campers run drills at the 2023 CHS Youth Basketball Camp. Toledo served as Camp Director and managed the various functions of the event. Jim Beers Photo

Coach Toledo said, “Our first two days we will primarily focus on fundamentals such as free throws, ball handling, passing, shooting, and dribbling. We put all of that to use in friendly competitive drills such as knockout and free throw shooting contests.”

Campers play a game of “knockout” Thursday June 22 at the 2023 CHS Youth Basketball Camp help Wednesday through Friday June 21-23. Jim Beers Photo

“We also stress teamwork and hard work. On our final day Friday June 23 we will have some competitive basketball games and see how much they can implement the fundamentals.”

Nick Severs, Assistant Chester High School Boys Basketball Coach, watches a drill at the 2023 CHS Youth Basketball Camp.  Severs, a former YellowJacket player himself, had a great time working with both Session 1 and Session 2 of the camp. Session 1 consisted of boys and girls in grades 3rd, 4th and 5th. Session had campers in grades 6th, 7th, and 8th. Jim Beers Photo

Coach Severs said, “I am really impressed with the level of attention and respect that all of the campers have shown the first two days. They listen and demonstrate that they want to learn.  Both sessions have been great and they really seem to want to learn and follow directions.”

Pictured here are many of the Chester High School Lady Jacket Basketball players. The group assisted with the 2023 CHS Youth Basketball Camp held Wednesday through Friday June 21-23 at CHS Colbert Gymnasium. Both girls and boys attended the same camp and was offered to players in grades 3rd through 8th.. Jim Beers Photo

The high school players have been great in implementing their coaching duties and aren’t afraid to give direction and support to the campers.  All-in-all the camp has been a huge success and a great learning environment both for the campers as well as the high school player-volunteers.