Business Champions: Missouri Chamber recognizes 125 state legislators

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — The Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry has recognized three local legislators as Business Champions.


Senators Elaine Gannon and Holly Thompson Rehder and Representative Rick Francis are among the . Business Champions recognized for supporting policies during the 2023 legislative session to grow the economy and make Missouri a more competitive place to do business.


The lawmakers recognized as Business Champions helped the Missouri Chamber successfully advocate for a number of important pro-business policies, including:


  • Taking steps to curb Missouri’s rising crime rate
  • Building and retaining a skilled workforce
  • Positioning Missouri as a logistics hub through transportation investment
  • Protecting the right to Let Business Decide on workplace policies
  • Reauthorizing the employee stock ownership plan tax deduction
  • Bolstering efforts to onshore high-tech manufacturing in Missouri
  • Improving access to quality health care


The Business Champions list was created after an analysis of key votes on these and other important business issues. To be included, state legislators needed to have at least a 75 percent record of siding with the Missouri Chamber on priority business issues. This year, 26 members of the Missouri Senate and 99 members of the Missouri House of Representatives met that criteria.


Click here to see the full list:


“The Business Champion recognition is our way of thanking Missouri’s top pro-business lawmakers for their commitment to moving Missouri forward,” said Missouri Chamber President and CEO Daniel P. Mehan. “A significant number of anti-business mandates were introduced in the Missouri General Assembly this year. We are grateful for the Business Champions who helped fend off overreaching policies and protected the right to Let Business Decide. As our state faces additional challenges such as workforce shortages, public safety concerns and an unfriendly legal climate, these legislators were our most important supporters of the policies needed to help Missouri grow and thrive.”


The Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the largest business association in Missouri. Together with the Missouri Chamber Federation, the Missouri Chamber represents more than 75,000 employers. To learn more, go to, or follow us @MissouriChamber on Twitter.