New and Expanded Programs from Aging Matters
Here at Aging Matters we are always trying to find new ways to help seniors in our 18 county service area which includes Bollinger, Butler, Cape Girardeau, Carter, Dunklin, Iron, Madison, Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot, Perry, Reynolds, Ripley, St. Francois, Ste Genevieve, Scott, Stoddard and Wayne counties. When we get calls asking for help, we try to find any program or service to help. Sometimes there are no existing programs.
We are expanding some existing programs and starting some brand new ones in July. AgingRx is a program we have been doing in Cape Girardeau County for 2 years, we were able to expand this into Bollinger, Perry and Scott counties last year and this year we will be expanding into all 18 of our counties. This program helps those who are 60 or older and who live in our service area get help with prescription medications. A senior in need must call our office and we will screen them for all available Extra Help programs. This allows us to help those in need get the most help available. After the applications are complete, we can then help with some prescriptions costs no matter if they are approved for Extra Help or not.
Aging Matters currently partners with Miracle Ear to provide seniors who are 300% of the Federal Poverty Level help in getting hearing aids. With this program, you must live in our 18 county service area, have income under 300% of the Federal Poverty Level and be 60 or older. For this program, please contact the closest Miracle Ear office. If you need transportation to the appointment, Aging Matters can also assist with those costs.
Many seniors struggle accessing and using technology that is needed daily. Things as simple as using Facebook and texting to stay connected to family to using computers to check their Medicare and Social Security accounts. Aging Matters is planning to address these issues by offering classes to seniors to teach them how to safely use the devices and programs commonly available. Hopefully this will give our seniors the confidence and freedom to access technology as needed.
Another common issue we hear is seniors who have problems managing their finances. Living on a fixed income can be difficult with the cost of everyday items increasing. The unexpected loss of income from a spouse or lost job can also cause stress and issues for seniors. Aging Matters is beginning a program that will help seniors learn to set budgets and live within their means. It will also allow for one on one discussions of financial goals and money saving tips.
Aging Matters continues to serve meals at 32 senior nutrition centers. These centers provide a nutritious meal Monday through Friday; home delivered meals are also available for those 60 and older who are not physically able to go to a center. The senior centers also offer many support and recreational services such as bingo and other games, educational classes, dances, physical fitness programs and many opportunities to engage with others. For those who live outside the area the Senior Centers can deliver to, we offer a Distance Dining Program. This program sends frozen meals that can be heated in an oven or a microwave and gives the senior a warm, nutritious meal
For information about any of these programs or general information please call Aging Matters 1-800-392-8771, because Aging Matters.