My legislation this week:
My uninsured motorists bill, HB643, was placed on the informal perfection calendar this week after it was voted do pass with 7 Ayes and no opposition out of the House committee on Rules Legislative Oversight last week.
My Hemp Extract bill, HB644, was voted do pass from the Senate Agriculture, Food Production & Outdoor Resources committee in executive session.
My ATM smash & grab bill, HB725, was second read in the Senate and has been referred to the Senate Insurance and Banking committee for a public hearing.
Lawmakers Approve Funding for Critical Infrastructure Projects (HB 17, HB 18, HB 19, and HB 20)
We approved four bills that appropriate more than $5.4 billion in funding for vital infrastructure projects and programs across the state.
HB 17 provides nearly $431 million for state parks around Missouri. HB 18 has $588 million for state facilities maintenance and repairs. HB 19 authorizes more than $1.7 billion in funding for crucial capital improvement projects.
$100 million in funding for maintenance and repair for the state’s rural areas.
$30 million in funding for new facilities and training for law enforcement.
$26 million for construction and expansion of vital health care facilities across the state.
Additional items of interest for Southeast Missouri:
Related to HB 19:
For Southeast Missouri State University
Modern Campus Health Sciences Building……….$18,500,00
For Mineral Area Community College
Construction of a Center of Excellence…………….$2,500,000
For Interstate 70 capacity improvements
From General Revenue Fund…………..……..…..$859,000,000
For right of way acquisition and utility improvement in Butler County along U.S. Highway 67 from County Road 352 south to the Arkansas State Line
From General Revenue Fund……………….……..$10,000,000
For the planning, design, and construction of a joint justice center in Perryville
From Budget Stabilization Fund………………………$3,500,000
For next phase construction of Perryville Veterans’ Memorial
From Budget Stabilization Fund…………………….$3,500,000
HB 20, re-appropriates approximately $2.7 billion in federal American Rescue Plan Act funds for various programs and projects.
For Mayfield College in Marble Hill
Third floor renovation……………….……………..$2,200,000
For broadband cellular towers, with priority to underserved and unserved locations
From Impact Fund………………………………….$20,000,000
To Southeast Missouri State University
For steam tunnel repair and improvements………$2,300,000
For the planning, design and construction at the Southeast Missouri Mental Health Center warehouse………………………….$370,249
All four bills now move to the Senate for consideration. The two chambers must reach final agreement on the bills by Friday, May 5.
Contact Me:
State Representative Rick Francis
District 145
Missouri House of Representatives
State Capitol