New royalty are announced at 2023 CHS Prom Coronation

BY JIM BEERS, Contributing Writer

CHESTER – In spite of rain, storms, wind, and tornado warnings, the 2023 Chester High School Prom was held Saturday without any major hitches!  As a result, CHS now has a new Prom King and Queen and Prince and Princess.

Pictured are 2023 Chester High School Prom royalty who were crowned Saturday night April 15 at the “Midnight Masquerade Prom” held at CHS. (Left to right) are Lesile Asbury 2023 Prom Princess, Garret Hopkins, 2023 Prom Prince, Chance Mott, 2023 Prom King, and Julia Venus, 2023 Prom Queen. Jim Beers Photo 

Saturday was breezy and warm when the day started.  The sun had warmed the Chester area to the mid-70’s and for the most part, skies were clear and bright. Prom-goers began the day getting ready for the big night with hair appointments, final dress adjustments, flower and corsages being picked up as well and other exciting activities involved with prop-prep.

In the early afternoon numerous groups of students were already on the way to various traditional and popular areas around Chester and the surrounding vicinity for photo sessions and pre-prom gatherings.

By mid-to-late afternoon most students were on their way to various eating establishments in the bi-state area for pre-prom meals before heading back to CHS for the formal prom festivities.

Late afternoon in the Chester area brought about windy conditions, and clouds began to move into the area.  Weather stations across the area were warning that there was a definite possibility of severe storms and possible tornadic activity.

About the time that prom-goers were due to begin arriving at CHS for the evening’s activities, the rain began to fall and tornado watches and eventual warnings were issued.  Some students got a bit wet and many of their arrivals were delayed. By 8:00 p.m., however, the several storm warnings had been lifted and by the 9:00 p.m. coronation time, most students had arrived safe and sound at CHS Juergen’s Gymnasium.

At 8:40 p.m. parents and outside guests were allowed to enter the back doors of Juergen’s Gym.  Seating was at a premium by 9:00 p.m. as most of the bleachers were full and a few guests had to stand in the back of the gym stairway area.

CHS Principal, Jeremy Blechle, served as Master of Ceremonies at the 2023 Chester High School Prom Saturday April 15. Blechle gave the welcome and introduced the Prom Candidates as well as announced the winners of the Prince and Princess and King and Queen races. Jim Beers Photo 

CHS Principal, Jeremy Blechle, served as Master of Ceremonies for the Coronation, and welcomed everyone in attendance to Prom 2023.  He gave thanks to several people who helped make the event possible and began the Coronation Ceremony promptly.

The theme for the event was “Midnight Masquerade Prom” and the event was sponsored by the CHS Junior Class of 2024.  The gym was decorated beautifully with music being provided by a digital mix of songs created by the students themselves.

Mr. Blechle began by introducing the six junior Prince and Princess Candidates. As they were announced, the female candidates entered the gym down a nice runway from the left entrance to Juergen’s Gym and the male candidates entered from the right side of Juergen’s Gym. The two met center stage underneath a beautifully decorated archway in the center of the gym near the half-court line and close to the bleachers.

Once under the archway, Principal Blechle introduced each candidate by reading a brief biographical sketch. Once the introductions were finished, the candidates proceeded up the center walkway to the Juergen’s Gym Stage where they stood until all candidates had been introduced and arrived on stage.


The six junior Prince and Princess Candidates were introduced first. Couple No. 1 was Leslie Asbury and Korbin Jany. Leslie is the daughter of Renee Purdon and Brian Asbury. Korbin is the son of Kasi and Matt Jany.

Couple No. 2 was Camryn Luthy and Garret Hopkins. Camryn is the daughter of Andrea and Bruce Luthy. Garret is the son of Christina and Ryan Hopkins.

Couple No. 3 was Jasmine Merideth and Evan Bland. Jasmin is the daughter of Christy Otten. Evan is the son of Jessica and Matt Bland.

Couple No.3 was Jasmine Merideth and Evan Bland. Jasmine is the daughter of Christy Otten. Evan is the son of Jessica Bland and Matt Bland. 

By a student vote, the winners of the 2023 Chester High School Prom Junior Class Prince and Princess were Leslie Asbury and Garret Hopkins.

Leslie has been active in volunteering at the Chester Area Christian Food Pantry and she enjoys being involved in the CHS Art Club. Miss Asbury has also competed in the Special Olympics all three years at CHS and has earned bronze, silver, and gold medals. She won Gold in Bowling, Mini Javelin throwing and the 100-meter dash.

Her favorite memory at CHS thus far is going to all of the dances and hanging out with her friends at school each day. After graduating from CHS, Leslie wants to live on her own and work at either Wal-Mart or the new Chester Dairy Queen.

Garret has been very active in the YellowJacket Football Program and Scholar Bowl. He is also Junior Class President.

Pictured are the 2023 Chester High School Prom Prince and Princess Garret Hopkins and Leslie Asbury. Both are juniors at CHS. They were crowned Saturday April 15 at the Prom Coronation ceremony. Jim Beers Photo


There were five senor couples that vied for the title of 2023 Chester High School Prom King and Queen. These individuals were nominated by a vote of their peers.

Couple No. 1 was Maleia Absher and Clayton Andrews. Maleia is the daughter of Kim Absher and Misty Price. Clayton is the son of Dean and Denise Andrews.

Couple No. 2 was Hanna Colvis and Aidan Blechle. Hanna is the daughter of Kyle and Jennifer Colvis. Aidan is the son of Megan and Jeremy Blechle.

Couple No. 3 was Emma Eggemeyer and Gage Hasemeyer. Emma is the daughter of Aaron and Amy Eggemeyer. Gage is the son of Danielle Hasemeyer and Jarrod Hasemeyer.

Couple No. 4 was Reese McCormick and Landon Hornbostel. Reese is the daughter of Travis and Carrie McCormick. Landon is the son of Lee and Amy Hornbostel.

The final senior King and Queen Candidate couple was Julia Venus and Chance Mott. Julia is the daughter of Henry and Cassandra Venus. Chance is the son of Jeff and Tracy Mott.

Following the Coronation at the 2023 CHS Prom, parents, friends, and students gathered on the Jurgen’s Gym dance floor to meet and greet the 2023 Prom Royalty. Jim Beers Photo

The retiring 2022 CHS Prom King and Queen was Alex Hennrich and Jacob Cowell. Jacob was unable to attend the 2023 CHS Prom due to the fact that he is now serving in the United States Marine Corps. His favorite memory at CHS is beating Freeburg in overtime in YellowJacket Football.

Alex Hennrich is the daughter of Barb Coffey and Darrell Hennrich. She is currently attending Southwestern Illinois College. Her favorite memory of CHS is going to the IHSA State Cheerleading Competition as a Chester Cheerleader. 

In lieu of Jacob Cowell who was unable to attend the 2023 Prom event, Alex was escorted by Koby Jany who was last year’s 2022 Prom Prince.  Koby is the son of Trisha and Pete Jany. His favorite CHS memory is beating Red Bud in football in back-to-back years. After graduation Koby plans to attend college to pursue a career in Agriculture.

With all ten 2023 CHS Prom Candidates now on stage, Principal Blechle announced the 2023 “Midnight Masquerade Prom” King and Queen. With the assistance of Retiring Queen Alex Hennrich and Koby Jany, who was filling-in for Retiring King Jacob Cowell, the 2023 CHS Prom Royalty were unveiled. The 2023 CHS Prom King is Chance Mott and the 2023 Prom Queen is Julia Venus.

Chance has been actively involved in CHS Golf, Basketball and Baseball. He earned All-Conference honors in all three sports. He is also a member of the Chester High School Chapter of Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA).

His favorite memory at CHS was bleaching his hair. After graduating from CHS Chance plans to play college baseball. His best inspiration is his Dad, Jeff, who has always made sure that he has worked his hardest at everything he has done throughout high school. As a result, Chance has been very successful.

Julia Venus has been actively involved in the CHS Marching Band, Concert Band, Swing Choir, and the spring musicals and plays all four years at CHS. Last year she had a lead role in the school play. In addition, Julia has enjoyed singing in the CHS Concert Choir.

Her favorite memory at CHS has been the time she spent participating in CHS Theatre Productions. She noted that “Shrek the Musical” helped “keep her sane” throughout the tough Covid-19 period.

After graduating from Chester High School this May of 2023, Julia plans to attend Southern Illinois University in Carbondale to major in History. She hopes to be a teacher. She will then return to college for graduate school to eventually become a Psych Counselor.

Her biggest inspiration is Chelsea August who always manages to be at the top of her game in pretty much everything that she does. Julia states, “Chelsea is one of the most genuine people you will ever meet. I would not be where I am today without Chelsea’s support and friendship, and I will always look up to her with utmost respect.”

The 2023 Chester High School Prom Court poses for a photo immediately following the conclusion of the Coronation Ceremony. Jim Beers Photo

Following the completion of the coronation, parents and friends were able to come to the floor to meet and greet the 2023 Prom Court, take pictures, and hand out well-wishes.

Following the 2023 CHS “Midnight Masquerade Prom” Coronation Ceremony the Prom Court loosens up a bit while taking the traditional Prom Court photos. Jim Beers Photo 


The rest of the evening was spent dancing, enjoying refreshments, and closing out the 2023 Chester High School “Midnight Masquerade Prom” experience.