St. Mary Board of Aldermen meeting minutes

ST. MARY – The minutes of the St. Mary Board of Aldermen meeting held Thursday, April 13, 2023 have been released.




Board of Aldermen Meeting

Thursday, April 11th, 2023

6:00 PM


Be it Remembered: A regular meeting of the St. Mary Board of Aldermen was called to order by the Honorable Mayor Carlton Wyatt on Thursday, April 11th, 2023 beginning at 6:00 PM at City Hall located at 782 3rd Street, St. Mary, Missouri 63673.


  1. Be it Remembered: A regular meeting of the St. Mary Board of Aldermen was called to order by the Honorable Mayor Carlton Wyatt on Thursday, April 11th, 2023 beginning at 6:00 PM at City Hall located at 782 3rd Street, St. Mary, Missouri 63673.


  1. Pledge of Allegiance: The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.


  1. Roll Call: Aldermen answering the roll call were Alderman Ron Barnett, Alderman Karl Schultz, Alderman Dr. Zen Duda and Alderman Annette Hacker.


  1. Agenda: A motion was made by Alderman Annette Hacker to approve the agenda. Alderman Ron Barnett seconded the motion. Alderman Ron Barnett, Alderman Karl Schultz, Alderman Annette Hacker and Alderman Dr. Zen Duda voted yea on a voice vote. Motion carried.


  1. Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Alderman Annette Hacker to approve the Consent Agenda which consists of the following: Minutes from Previous Meeting, Treasurers Report, Collectors Report and Bills Paid and City Manager to pay previously appropriated expenses as they come due as allowed by the budget. Alderman Ron Barnett seconded the motion. Alderman Ron Barnett, Alderman Karl Schultz, Alderman Annette Hacker and Alderman Dr. Zen Duda voted yea on a voice vote. Motion carried.


  1. Public Forum: Nobody signed up to speak.


  1. Presentation of Plaques: Plaques were presented to Annette Hacker for her dedicated service as City Collector and to David Wood for his dedicated service for City Clerk.


  1. Approval for City Clerk to update Quick Books: Alderman Annette Hacker made the motion to give consent on updating Quick Books. Alderman Karl Schultz second the motion. Alderman Dr. Zen Duda, Alderman Annette Hacker, Alderman Karl Schultz and Alderman Ron Barnett voted Aye on a voice vote. Motion was carried.


  1. Canvassing of Election Results and Acceptance by the Board: Mayor Carlton Wyatt put this on hold. There was a problem with the Write in Ben Brewster for Ward 2 Alderman. We are waiting for clarification from the Department of Revenue to see if he has paid all of his taxes or not. Under the State Status Section 115.306 RSMo. States that No person shall qualify as a candidate for elective public office who has been found guilty of a felony or delinquent in paying any states income taxes, personal property taxes, municipal taxes, or real property taxes on the place of residence as stated on the declaration of candidacy. Alderman Ron Barnett made a motion to table the canvassing of Election Results and Acceptance by the board. Alderman Annette Hacker second the motion. Alderman Dr. Zen Duda, Alderman Annette Hacker, Alderman Karl Schultz and Alderman Ron Barnett voted Aye on a voice vote. Motion was carried


  1. Swearing in of Newly Elected Officials: Election Official April Grindstaff swore in; Alderman Dr. Zen Duda and the City Collector Katrina Ullman.


  1. Board to Select an Acting President – Mayor Pro Tem for the Term of One Year (§ 79.090.1 RSMo.) Mayor Carlton Wyatt put this on hold until we get clarification on the results form the Department of Revenue.


  1. Department Reports:
  2. Emergency Management – Emergency Management Director April Grindstaff had nothing to report.
  3. Police Department – Police Chief Brendon Corbett thanked the Board for approving the Police software. He also states that the cleanup of the vehicle and camper on 4th street has been             removed.
  4. Fire Department – Alderman Annette Hacker gave the floor to Fire Chief Frankie Ullman. Frankie stated that they had one medic call, one mutual aid call for Ste gen and also one   commercial fire call. Frankie wants to remind everyone that the Spring Barbeque is April 30th.            They will have pork steaks, brats, baked beans and possibly a bake sale. There will be a raffle   for a smoker. The smoker was donated from Home Depot by Jeff Marshal. The raffle for the          smoker may run until the end of May. The meeting room is coming along great.
  5. Street Department – Alderman Ron Barnett reported that he has spoke with John Doza about getting asphalt for the city street to fix holes but it will be at least 2 weeks until the place opens    up for the season. The asphalt is coming from Lead belt. There is patch work, road work and             cleaning of ditches to do since the weather is becoming warmer. Mayor Carlton Wyatt stated   that they have got the dump bed truck fixed.
  6. Water / Wastewater Department – Alderman Karl Schultz gave the floor to Frankie Ullman who reported Bac-T reports are good. We had an issue with the Residents of Marion Cliff         Manor putting a tarp up using the water tower fence, that issue has been resolved. Frankie stated     that the Transducer on tower 2 has been malfunctioning but it has been fixed. The hydrant at the   sewer plant has been installed. We had to order UV bulbs for the E-coli testing needs the bulbs.            We have an inspection on the Sewer plant May 1st for DNR. The grinder at 994 8th street has been installed. He also has worked on 5 grinders but they are all fixed now. The Mayor Carlton            Wyatt would like to thank Paul Belkin for letting us use the track hoe. When we get the bill       from Paul and when we pay the bill we will send a thank you letter along with the payment.
  7. Park / Cemetery / Animal Control – Alderman Dr. Zen Duda had nothing to report but he wanted to know if we had to lock the gates at night. The gates do not have to be locked at night.             Mayor Carlton Wyatt stated that the Trinity Baptist Church had their Easter Egg hunt at the park and we noticed that the bathrooms have to have some work done on them. He has talked to the           Chamber about paying for the repairs. We need to get a estimate on how much it will cost for           the repairs before the Chamber will tell us if they will pay for the repairs.
  8. Citizens Participation – Mark Robinson of Circle Drive asked if there was a way that we could talk to the Farmers about not getting to close to the fence line when they are spraying        their fields. The overspray is getting on their children’s swing set and killing the gardens that he     and his neighbors have.

            Katrina Ullman stated that she has had a resident ask about having chickens in town. Mayor             Carlton Wyatt stated that the resident may start a petition to have chickens but not a rooster             allowed in city limits

  1. Regular Session Adjournment: There being no further business before the board, a motion was made by Alderman Annette Hacker to adjourn at 6:37 p.m. Alderman Dr. Zen Duda          seconded the motion. All the aldermen voted yea on a voice vote. Meeting adjourned.             __________________________________

