Ste. Genevieve city hall renovation continues with new doors, windows

STE. GENEVIEVE — The Ste. Genevieve Heritage Commission will meet Monday at 6 p.m. in the city hall board room.


One of the items on the agenda seeking a certificate of appropriateness is the latest phase of the city’s renovation of city hall: the replacement of the existing entry doors and 11 windows.


Plans can for the replacement of four wood frame windows, two vinyl frame windows, one steel frame window and four glass block windows with fixed aluminum framed windows and also the replacement of existing metal double entry doors with metal and glass double entry doors at the city hall at 165 South 4th Street.


One other item is on the agenda for the meeting.


A chicken coop in the rear and side yard at 466 Washington Street.


The meeting is open to the public.


The tentative agenda: