Missouri Agriculture Photo Contest is underway

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – The Missouri Department of Agriculture has launched the 14th annual Focus on Missouri Agriculture photo contest. The Department invites Missourians to share their agriculture story through photographs. The contest, which runs through June 9, is an opportunity for photographers across the state to submit their best images of Missouri agriculture.


The Focus on Missouri Agriculture photo contest is open to Missouri photographers of all ages. Participants may enter up to three photos in each of the five categories. The photo contest categories are: Beauty of the Farm, Faces of the Farmer, Around the Barnyard and Everyday Life. Our 12 and under youth category, Kid’s Corner, is back again this year. Find a full description for each category at Agriculture.Mo.Gov/focus.


Entries will be judged on visual impact, creativity, memorable content and image quality.


The contest offers prizes to win, thanks to the Missouri Department of Agriculture’s Missouri Grown program. The Best in Show winner, along with the first place winner in each category, will receive a prize and a high quality canvas print of their photo.


Winners will be announced in early July and winning images will be displayed during the Missouri State Fair in the Agriculture Building, Aug. 10-20, 2023.


To submit your photos, go to Agriculture.Mo.Gov/focus and complete the online form. A complete list of rules and guidelines can be found on the same page. If you have trouble submitting photos via the online form, contact aginfo@mda.mo.gov for assistance.


Photos submitted to the contest will be showcased on the department’s Flickr stream. Photos must be submitted by June 9.


More information about the Missouri Department of Agriculture and its programs is available online at Agriculture.Mo.Gov.