SIU’s Paul Simon Institute to host ‘rising star’ Illinois state Rep. Margaret Croke

CARBONDALE, Ill. — Southern Illinois University Carbondale’s Paul Simon Public Policy Institute is launching “Rising Stars in Illinois Politics” — a new conversation series that focuses on a new generation of the state’s leaders — with state Rep. Margaret Croke of Old Town.

Croke, a Democrat who represents the 12th District, will join John Shaw, institute director, for a virtual conversation at 12:30 p.m. Friday, April 14.

Focusing on the state’s younger leaders

The series will feature new leaders who are “already shaping the Prairie State and are poised to become increasingly influential,” Shaw said. The institute will host, both virtually and in person, young leaders from the Illinois General Assembly, mayors, and members of city councils, county commissions and school boards.

“We will learn what kind of future they envision for Illinois — and how we can all work together to ensure ‘Better Politics, Smarter Government’ in Illinois,” Shaw said.

“Research shows that the political impact of the two youngest generations of Americans — plurals (Generation Z) and millennials — is growing and will become more prevalent in the coming years. Not surprisingly, a new generation of political leaders is coming to the fore. It’s important that we learn more about these leaders.”

Elected to Illinois House in 2020

Since her election, Croke has worked on legislation to expand fertility insurance coverage to same-sex couples and single women. She has also worked on legislation to combat climate change in Illinois, support community foundations and prevent cyberbullying. An Oak Park native, Croke lives in and represents the Old Town section of Chicago. The legislative district includes parts of Lincoln Park, Uptown, Near North Side and Lake View.

Prior to her election, Croke served as deputy chief of staff for the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity and was on Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s transition team in 2018. She earned an undergraduate degree in political science and communications from the University of Michigan.

“During her short time in the General Assembly, Rep. Croke has become a respected voice on a host of deeply consequential issues for the people of Illinois. She is poised to become an important force in Illinois politics,” Shaw said.

Attendees are encouraged to submit questions for Croke on the registration form or email questions to

The institute also has a list of past speakers and events available for review.