This Date in Missouri Senate History-April 3, 1879

On This Date in Missouri Senate History, the date was April 3, 1879. 68th day of the Regular Session of the 30th General Assembly.


Morning session on this particular Thursday began as normal. This day saw 28 senators in attendance, with two absent and four absent with leave.


After completing their tasks, senators adjourned until 2 p.m. Where it’s normal to resume session in the afternoon, the request was made for a new roll call, which was approved. At this point, only 15 senators were in the chamber, and absentees were then called. The Missouri Senate then went back to Senate Bills 215, 216, 217 & 218, which senators had started on earlier in the day.


After the day’s goals were completed, Missouri senators moved to adjourn until 9:30 the next morning.


April 3, 1879, the date marking the 68th day of the Regular Session of the 30th General Assembly, on This Date in Missouri Senate History.


(Source: Missouri Senate journal)