STE. GENEVIEVE – The draft minutes of the Monday, March 20 meeting of the Ste. Genevieve Heritage Commission has been released.
Ste. Genevieve Heritage Commission
Casey Benner, Mark Buchheit, Thomas Hooper, Whitney Tucker, Bill Hart
March 20, 2023 Regular Meeting
Call to Order at 6:00 pm
Roll Call: Commissioners Casey Benner, Tom Hooper & Whitney Tucker were present at roll call. Additionally, Community Development Administrator David Bova was present. Commissioners Mark Buchheit and Bill Hart were absent.
Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Hooper made a Motion to approve the Agenda as presented. Commissioner Tucker seconded the motion, which passed 3-0-2.
Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Tucker made a motion to approve the minutes from the February 27, 2023 meeting as presented. Commissioner Hooper seconded the motion, which passed 3-0-2.
Introduction of Evidence:
Mr. Bova asked that the Commission approve the entry into the record of the Ste. Genevieve Municipal Code and the Design Guidelines for the Sainte Genevieve National Register Historic District along with the staff report and related material presented to them. Commissioner Tucker made a Motion to accept the evidence into the record. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hooper and passed 3-0-2.
Old Business:
• Mr. Bova gave a brief update on the 2022 Historic Preservation Fund outreach grant and the application for the Paul Bruhn Grant.
New Business:
• SGHC009-23. To receive a Certificate of Appropriateness to install a carport in the side yard at 467 Washington. Applicant and owner, Mr. Robert Wharton, was present and answered some questions from the commission. Commissioner Tucker made a Motion to Approve the application as presented, which was seconded by Commissioner Hooper and passed 3-0-2.
• SGHC010-23. To receive a Certificate of Appropriateness to install handrails in the entryway of the commercial building at 272 Merchant. Applicant and owner, Ms. Gail Ralston was present and answered some questions from the commission. Commissioner Tucker made Motion to Approve the application as presented, which was seconded by Commissioner Hooper and passed 3-0-2.
Administrative Approvals: Mr. Bova discussed the following:
• Attestation as to Material Replacement – 284 Merchant
• Attestation as to Material Replacement – 242 Market
Public Comments: None
Meeting Adjourned: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:08 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
David Bova Community Development Administrator