CHS FFA students participate in horticulture contest

CHESTER – On Wednesday March 15, five Chester High School students from the Future Farmers of America organization (FFA) attended the Section 22 Horticulture Contest hosted at Southwestern Illinois College (SWIC).



Chester contestants included seniors Sydney Collins and Will Schuwerk; and juniors Emma Diskey, Maison Shemonic and Mason Werner. (Emily Millburg Photo)


The contest requirements included a general agriculture 50-question test of knowledge; a plant identification portion; and a segment of plant judging.


The Chester Agriculture students finished with a total of 712 points, placing them 7th out of 14 schools that competed. This was the first time that Chester students attended the SWIC Section 22 Horticulture Contest.  The group is led by CHS Agriculture Teacher, Emily Millburg.