CHESTER – The Chester Eaglefest picnic will be held on the weekend of May 11th, 12th and 13th.
According to a news release, the goal of the Eaglefest each year is to provide a fun-filled weekend for all ages.
Annually, the aerie looks for help to offset the cost of advertising and entertainment.
The Eagles are offering a sponsor program that will allow your business to be included in our newspaper, fliers, and radio ads. We will also recognize your support on our sponsor banner ( platinum, gold, and silver banner) that will be displayed during the picnic.
If interested in a sponsorship, please check your choice below and return this form along with your check made payable to Chester Eagles before April 15th to make our ads.
Also, include a business card to be used for ads.
Thank you for your past and continued support.
__________ $250 Platinum Sponsorship (included in all ads and placed on platinum banner)
__________ $100 Gold Sponsorship (Included in all ads and placed on gold banner)
__________ $ 50 Silver Sponsorship (Included in all ads and placed on silver banner)
Business Name: _______________________________________________________
Phone#: _______________________________________________________