Operation Sand issues CALL TO ACTION!

STE. GENEVIEVE – The grassroots group which has been fighting the creation of a silica sand mine in Ste. Genevieve County has announced a CALL FOR ACTION to show local support in favor of HB982, which would block construction of the mine in Ste. Genevieve County.


On its Facebook page, the organization posted this message:


“We need your help! The Rural Community Development Committee has not voted on HB982 yet! Reach out to these representatives! Let them know your concerns regarding the proposed silica sand mine and ask them to vote in favor of HB982!


“Copy and paste these email addresses to send your concerns to all the representatives on this committee or use the contact information listed below!


Rep. Rodger Reedy (R) Chair

Phone: 573-751-3971

E-Mail: Rodger.Reedy@house.mo.gov


Rep. Jim Kalberloh (R) Vice-Chair

Phone: 573-751-5388

E-Mail: Jim.Kalberloh@house.mo.gov


Rep. Michael Burton (D) Ranking Minority Member

Phone: 573-751-9472

E-Mail: Michael.Burton@house.mo.gov


Rep. Gary Bonacker (R)

Phone: 573-751-4567

E-Mail: Gary.Bonacker@house.mo.gov


Rep. Danny Busick (R)

Phone: 573-751-3647

E-Mail: Danny.Busick@house.mo.gov


Rep. Sherri Gallick (R)

Phone: 573-751-1344

E-Mail: Sherri.Gallick@house.mo.gov


Rep. Willard Haley (R)

Phone: 573-751-2077

E-Mail: Willard.Haley@house.mo.gov


Rep. Patty Lewis (D)

Phone: 573-751-2437

E-Mail: Patty.Lewis@house.mo.gov


Rep. Adrian Plank (D)

Phone: 573-751-1501

E-Mail: Adrian.Plank@house.mo.gov


Every voice matters! Let yours be heard!”