Official Statement of the Missouri Gaming Association on behalf of the Missouri Casino Industry

As Missourians drive to neighboring states to place a sports wager, they are asking why legislation authorizing sports betting has not already passed in their state. Our own Kansas City Chiefs competing in the Super Bowl has heightened interest in sports betting, yet Missourians will have to leave the state to place a friendly wager or to place bets illegally.


The casino industry supports the passage of HB 556. This bill authorizes sports betting without lumping in other controversial legislative proposals, which would prevent the bill from passing yet another session. We believe that Missourians are ready to join our nation’s capitol and the 36 states that have passed sports betting and kept tax dollars in their state. 



The Missouri Gaming Association (MGA) is the statewide trade association of the Missouri casino-entertainment industry. Founded in 1993, the Missouri Gaming Association works to promote responsible gaming and increase awareness of the economic benefits of casinos in Missouri. The MGA and its casino company members sponsor year-round responsible gaming programs including the 1-888-BETSOFF crisis line and referral service, Project 21 scholarship competition, and Responsible Gaming Awareness Week. For more information, visit