Rep. Randy Frese – House Dems approve new rules for spring session ensuring failed old way of doing business will remain

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — With each new General Assembly, the Illinois House of Representatives passes a Resolution establishing the Rules by which the chamber will operate.


Democrats currently hold a strong supermajority in the Illinois House, which gives them complete and total control over the legislative process. In the meantime, House Republicans have called for greater transparency, equity, and a fairer process for legislation that we introduce.


Following a Wednesday afternoon vote on the new rules, House Republicans believe the rules adopted by the House, along party lines, ensure that the failed old way of doing business will remain in place for at least two more years to come.


Members of the Republican caucus said they believe that the Illinois House Rules Committee will keep the same type of unilateral power that it exercised during the long-time reign of former Speaker Mike Madigan. They added that the House had a unique opportunity prior to today’s vote to start off this new General Assembly focused on good government and transparency. Unfortunately, the people of Illinois will be the ones to suffer from the failure of these House Rules to accomplish those goals.


State Representative Randy Frese (R-Paloma) said the rules are made by majority party, passed by the majority party, in favor of the majority party.