Senator Elaine Gannon’s Capitol Report for Jan. 19, 2023

Postpartum Health Care Bill Advances

JEFFERSON CITY – On Jan. 18, I was honored to present Senate Bill 45 to members of the Senate Health and Welfare Committee. This legislation extends MO HealthNet coverage for postpartum women from 60 days to one year following the birth of her child. A companion bill is also being carried by my colleague in the minority party, demonstrating the bipartisan support and sense of urgency surrounding this issue. Missouri is ranked 42nd out of 50 states in maternal mortality rates, with Black and low-income women comprising the majority of these untimely and often preventable deaths. I believe passing this bill will not only decrease this alarming number, but also give new moms and young families a promising outlook and healthy start, and hopefully, prevent future incidents of child abuse and neglect. I was pleased by the overwhelming support this bill received from health care professionals, hospitals, insurance companies, children’s groups and social welfare agencies, and I truly think this legislation fortifies and complements our state’s pro-life values. Healthy moms and babies are the foundation of a healthy Missouri.


Governor Identifies Priorities during State of the State Address


On Jan. 18, the governor presented his annual State of the State address to a joint session of the 102nd General Assembly. I had the honor of being on the escort committee and entering the House chamber alongside the governor. The recurring theme of his speech was “We are not done yet,” and he closed the oration with the reason behind this unfinished business, the children and future leaders of our state. The governor briefly outlined his priorities for the Legislature to include increased funding for education, expansion of broadband internet access to more homes and businesses and investing in early childhood education programs.


Women Legislators of Missouri Offer Scholarships


The Women Legislators of Missouri are once again offering $1000 scholarships to Missouri females graduating from high school this year. Candidates will be chosen for their excellence in leadership, academics and community service, and they must submit a 500-word essay answering the question, “If you were a state legislator, what is one specific goal you would hope to achieve and why?” Contact my office for more information or to apply before the deadline of March 1, 2023.